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Widgetic (Post It Notes) logo

Widgetic (Post It Notes)

Develop by Widgetic


/ Month
Free plan available

Make important messages easy to spot on your page.

Customizable ui
Visual editor
Various paper types
Different holding options

About Widgetic (Post It Notes)

Built by Widgetic

Email :

[email protected]


Rúa Antonio Casares Rodríguez 12, A Coruña, C, 15190, ES

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Make critical messages easy to spot on a page.

Post It Notes web app is an effective tool for e-commerce businesses that need to convey important information to their customers. It makes critical messages easy to spot on a page, leading to increased engagement and potentially higher sales. This app is particularly useful for businesses with a large inventory of products or those that offer time-sensitive promotions.

Post It Notes web app is an effective tool for e-commerce businesses that need to convey important information to their customers. It makes critical messages easy to spot on a page, leading to increased engagement and potentially higher sales. This app is particularly useful for businesses with a large inventory of products or those that offer time-sensitive promotions. more
  • Various paper types are available: math, lined, and one or multiple papers.
  • Choose from a clip, pin, or duct tape to hold the papers.
  • Customize the UI to match your site using our visual editor.


  • Effective tool for highlighting important information on e-commerce websites
  • Increases engagement and potentially boosts sales
  • Especially useful for businesses with a large inventory or time-sensitive promotions
  • Offers various paper types like math, lined, and multiple papers
  • Option to choose from different attachments such as clip, pin, or duct tape
  • Highly customizable UI to match the website using the visual editor


  • Limited to post-it note function, may not cover other necessary functionalities for some businesses
  • Customization may require some learning curve for less tech-savvy users

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