Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Apps
  • $9-$79 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
312 Reviews

Expand Sales with recurring Subscriptions, Boxes & Memberships

Quick setup
Flexible pricing options
Multiple subscription types
Seamless customer portal
Customizable widget templates
Automatic widget embedding
  • $19-$139 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
536 Reviews

Offer Unlimited Combo Bundle, Volume Discount, Buy X Get Y,etc

Buy x get y
Volume discounts
Bundle as product
Ai-based recommendations
Bundle builder
Unlimited combo bundles

Trust what you receive.

Shopify integration
Product syncing
Mobile app
Nfc tagging
Fraud mitigation
  • $4.99-$19 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial

Sell any digital good with your products with ease

Secure storage
Download limits
Attach files
Email access
5gb uploads

Sell digital files like e-books, art, graphics and more.

Track orders
Add digital files
Send download links
Set download limits
Combine product variants