Showing 1 to 4 of 4 Apps
  • $4.99 / Month
  • 30 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Customizable alerts and notifications for events on your site.

Email notifications
Automatic triggers
Customizable alerts

Negotiable discounts for increased conversion and order volume

Discounting ai autopilot
Margin vigilance
Maximize margin
Real-time discounts
Incentivize extra purchases
Personal offers
  • $7.99-$19.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
6 Reviews

Increase AOV, CLV & revenue with upsell and cross-sell offers

Cross-sell offers
A/b testing
Upsell offers
Analytics dashboard
Post-purchase funnels

Acquire New Users & Boost Order Volume

Quick installation
Referral acquisition
Custom marketing events
Traffic boost
Group purchase discounts
Interactive discount games