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Open 4 Business

Free App

List your products on the Open 4 Business

Order synchronization
Product selection
Product data feed
Fulfillment dashboard

About Open 4 Business

Launched Apr 26, 2024


Built by Corporation


Send a Product Data feed to the Open 4 Business sales channel to expand your sales. Orders flow back to your Shopify/Shopify Plus store for fulfillment by your staff. You can determine which of your products you add to this online Sales Channel using the Shopify Admin UI. See listings of new orders to fulfill in the O4B Dashboard on your Shopify store. Customers will place orders on your Shopify store directly.

Send a Product Data feed to the Open 4 Business sales channel to expand your sales. Orders flow back to your Shopify/Shopify Plus store for fulfillment by your staff. You can determine which of your products you add to this online Sales Channel using the Shopify Admin UI. See listings of new orders to fulfill in the O4B Dashboard on your Shopify store. Customers will place orders on your Shopify store directly. more
  • Get more sales on your Shopify store by expanding your reach
  • Nothing new to learn, Once setup all administration is done in Shopify
  • Full Control of what products you place in your Sales Channel
  • Customers will place orders on your Shopify store directly

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