Show estimated delivery date to improve sales & build trust.
70 Circular Road #02-01, Singapore, 049365, SG
Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQNS Estimated Delivery Date lets your customers know when they can receive their orders through customizable delivery time widgets on product, cart, and checkout pages. Set EDD for specific collections & products, and custom for business working days, cut-off times, and holidays. Display the delivery message in your customer's language and time zone. Bring peace of mind for customers when shopping to lower abandoned carts, build brand trust, and boost sales. Easy setup, mobile-friendly.
Countdown timer bar, stock countdown, estimated delivery...
Boosts trust & Shopping experience with delivery dates...
Showcase an estimated delivery date timeline on product...
Delivery Date | Delivery Time | Cut-off Time | Food | Florist...
Offer your customers various carriers pickup points to choose...
Schedule your store pickup, delivery time & click and...
Scheduled local delivery, store pickup by delivery date...
Add a local pickup or local delivery option to your cart...