Maverick ‑ Personalized Videos logo

Maverick ‑ Personalized Videos

Develop by Maverick


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 10 Days Free Trial

    AI generated personalized videos at scale to boost LTV

    Abandoned cart recovery
    Easy setup
    Personalized interactions
    Ai-generated videos
    High open rates
    9 Reviews

    About Maverick ‑ Personalized Videos

    Launched Jun 28, 2022


    Built by Maverick

    Email :

    [email protected]


    255 BERRY ST, 408, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94158, US

    Website Privacy policy


    Maverick helps ecommerce stores send AI-generated personalized videos to each of their customers.

    Maverick uses AI generated videos to help e-commerce stores have personalized interactions with their customers across the user journey. With Maverick, you can send video messages to each customer without spending hours recording. Record just one video and we'll take care of the rest! Use Maverick to recover an abandoned cart, thank a customer for their purchase, or welcome someone to your list with a video email. Send personalized video emails that finally get high open and click rates!

    Maverick uses AI generated videos to help e-commerce stores have personalized interactions with their customers across the user journey. With Maverick, you can send video messages to each customer without spending hours recording. Record just one video and we'll take care of the rest! Use Maverick to recover an abandoned cart, thank a customer for their purchase, or welcome someone to your list with a video email. Send personalized video emails that finally get high open and click rates! more
    • Boost Revenue - Recover abandoned carts, get repeat purchases, drive conversions
    • Delight Customers - Wait until you see the sheer joy your customers experience
    • Easy set-up - No engineering work required and supports all customer touchpoints

    Introduction Video


    • AI-generated personalized videos save time by eliminating the need for manual recording
    • Boosts Lifetime Value (LTV) by enhancing customer interactions across various points in the user journey
    • Effective in recovering abandoned carts, thanking customers, and welcoming new subscribers
    • High open and click rates due to personalized video emails
    • Increases revenue through repeat purchases and driving conversions
    • Creates delight and joy among customers, improving overall customer satisfaction
    • Easy to set up with no engineering work required, making it accessible for any e-commerce store


    • Dependency on AI may result in less authentic interactions compared to custom-made videos
    • Potential technical issues or limitations with the AI's video generation
    • The initial video recording still requires the user's effort and might not suit all e-commerce store owners' preferences
    • Variable effectiveness based on the type of product and customer base

    Rating And Reviews

    Crimson and Clover Studio

    Sep 17, 2023  on Shopify

    One of the best apps I have! Increased my placed order rate from 2.2% to around 19%. Open rate is much higher too. I also get tons of emails from customers who love the personalized touch.


    Aug 10, 2022  on Shopify

    Maverick has been really good for our brand! Their customer service is excellent and prompt to help whenever we have questions. We're getting more and more amazing feedback from our customers and have seen a good return on sales with the post-purchase flow.

    Effin' Good Snacks

    Jul 21, 2022  on Shopify

    The Maverick app is truly amazing! The team is awesome in helping you get set up with everything. We were using Bonjoro before to create our personalized videos and Mav has truly saved us so much time. The email replies we get from our customers after they receive a personalized video is awesome too!


    Jul 08, 2022  on Shopify

    This app is amazing! The positive feedback we receive from our customers after they have received a personalized video is fantastic!


    Jul 07, 2022  on Shopify

    We decided to try Maverick to send automated personalized video messages after first purchases and for abandoned carts and it has been a fantastic discovery! We were able to get setup quickly and are now seeing very good results coming in. Customers are really digging the personal touch of the videos and are sending us very positive feedback and the abandoned cart recovery rate looks great with this channel. Thank you to the Maverick team for making it all so smooth and for being so hands on providing very quick and personalized support all along!

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