Magic Review Importer logo

Magic Review Importer


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 90 Days Free Trial

    Product reviews with photos to boost sales & build trust

    Photo reviews
    Review discounts
    Import images
    Select reviews

    About Magic Review Importer

    Launched Mar 03, 2021


    Built by Smart Ecom Tech

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Level up your business and unlock success by downloading Magic Review.

    Magic Review will improve your store’s sales and product trust by encouraging the customers to upload a photo and submit high-quality reviews. There will be an option to give your customers discounts on their next purchase after leaving a review with a photo. You can import unlimited images and reviews from both Amazon and AliExpress. You can individually choose any ratings or reviews to display on your store that will improve the overall rating of your products.

    Magic Review will improve your store’s sales and product trust by encouraging the customers to upload a photo and submit high-quality reviews. There will be an option to give your customers discounts on their next purchase after leaving a review with a photo. You can import unlimited images and reviews from both Amazon and AliExpress. You can individually choose any ratings or reviews to display on your store that will improve the overall rating of your products. more
    • Showcase ratings, reviews, and photos of your products to build trust and boost
    • Import supporting images from both Amazon and AliExpress to collect more product
    • Encourage customers to upload a photo and submit high-quality reviews in return


    • Boosts product trust by encouraging high-quality photo reviews
    • Provides discounts to customers on their next purchase after leaving a photo review, incentivizing reviews
    • Allows unlimited import of images and reviews from Amazon and AliExpress, broadening review base
    • Enables selection of specific ratings or reviews to display, improving overall product rating
    • Helps build trust and boost sales by showcasing ratings, reviews, and photos


    • May depend heavily on customer participation to upload photos and reviews
    • Potential for importing low-quality or irrelevant reviews that may need to be filtered manually
    • Reliance on reviews from Amazon and AliExpress, which might not always align with the quality or experience of your store

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