Magic Image SEO Optimizer logo

Magic Image SEO Optimizer


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Increase Store Load Speed By Just One Click

    Image compression
    Seo optimization
    Easy integration
    Alt text attribution
    Improve page speed

    About Magic Image SEO Optimizer

    Launched Jul 23, 2020


    Built by Smart Ecom Tech

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Magic Image SEO Optimizer uses compression technology to help improve the speed of loading images.

    Magic Image SEO Optimizer uses compression technology to help improve the speed of loading images on your webpage while utilizing alt text attribution for SEO optimization. Want to stay on Google’s good side? Magic Image SEO Optimizer makes adding alternative text to your images even easier! Have search engine crawlers discover your product images and enhance organic traffic to your websites. Alt text helps search engines recognize what your image contains and ranks it accordingly.

    Magic Image SEO Optimizer uses compression technology to help improve the speed of loading images on your webpage while utilizing alt text attribution for SEO optimization. Want to stay on Google’s good side? Magic Image SEO Optimizer makes adding alternative text to your images even easier! Have search engine crawlers discover your product images and enhance organic traffic to your websites. Alt text helps search engines recognize what your image contains and ranks it accordingly. more
    • Reduce your image size without jeopardizing the image quality
    • Improve page speed by reducing the bandwidth required to display your images.
    • Earn both explicit and implicit SEO benefits by adding alt text to your website

    Introduction Video


    • Increases store load speed with a single click
    • Uses compression technology which helps in improving image load times
    • Automatically adds alt text to images, making SEO optimization easier
    • Enhances organic traffic by helping search engines discover product images
    • Reduces image size without compromising on quality
    • Reduces bandwidth required to display images, improving page speed
    • Provides both explicit and implicit SEO benefits


    • Some users may find the compression settings too aggressive, which might affect image quality
    • The app's performance may vary depending on website size and image volume
    • May require periodic updates to stay compatible with new SEO guidelines or browser updates

    Rating And Reviews

    Pacifique Sud

    Apr 11, 2022  on Shopify

    A função Optimize All não funciona! Testei EXTRA STORAGE, testei o SMALL PLAN e nunca funcionou.....muitos $$$$$$$ deitados fora. Tem tudo para ser uma aplicação super competitiva e útil, mas com todas as suas funções a funcionarem.

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