Google Indexer ‑ Magefan logo

Google Indexer ‑ Magefan

Develop by Magefan
Free App

Get indexed & ranked faster by sending updated pages to Google

Automatic indexing
Manual indexing
Bulk url submission
Page removal
Indexing logs

About Google Indexer ‑ Magefan

Launched Jul 25, 2024


Built by Magefan

Email :

[email protected]


5 Zluky Ave, Apt. 139, Ternopil, 46010, UA

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Normally you need to wait days or weeks for Google to crawl, index and rank your pages in search. But not any more. Notify Google about created, updated, and deleted pages directly and get indexed almost instantly. Send multiple indexing requests for products and collections manually or let the app do that automatically. See your changes in SERP immediately after the update and get your content in front of new eyes faster. Make your SEO efforts pay off with ZERO effort and ZERO maintenance!

Normally you need to wait days or weeks for Google to crawl, index and rank your pages in search. But not any more. Notify Google about created, updated, and deleted pages directly and get indexed almost instantly. Send multiple indexing requests for products and collections manually or let the app do that automatically. See your changes in SERP immediately after the update and get your content in front of new eyes faster. Make your SEO efforts pay off with ZERO effort and ZERO maintenance! more
  • Send product and collections for indexing manually
  • Enable automatic indexing requests
  • Submit multiple URLs for indexing directly or through the .txt file
  • Delete pages from search results upon request
  • Monitor requests via the indexing logs


  • Faster indexing: Instant notification to Google helps get your pages indexed quickly, reducing the wait time from days or weeks to almost instantly
  • Automatic updates: The app automatically sends indexing requests for updated or new pages, minimizing the need for manual intervention
  • Manual control: Users have the option to send indexing requests manually, providing better control over the process
  • Batch processing: Ability to submit multiple URLs for indexing directly or via a txt file saves time and effort
  • Content removal: Can delete pages from search results upon request, offering flexibility in managing content visibility
  • Monitoring: Indexing logs help monitor requests, providing transparency and tracking capabilities
  • Instant Notifications: Notify Google about created, updated, and deleted pages directly and get indexed almost instantly
  • Time Efficiency: Avoid the traditional delay of days or weeks for pages to be crawled and indexed
  • Automatic and Manual Options: Option to send multiple indexing requests manually or automatically
  • SEO Improvement: Get content in front of new eyes faster, enhancing SEO efforts with minimal effort and maintenance
  • Flexible Submission: Ability to submit multiple URLs for indexing directly or through a txt file
  • De-indexing Feature: Allows users to delete pages from search results upon request
  • Monitoring Log: Users can monitor their indexing requests via the provided indexing logs


  • Reliance on Google: Effectiveness heavily depends on Google's response times and indexing policies, which might vary
  • Potential over-indexing: Frequent indexing requests might lead to penalties or reduced crawl budgets if not managed properly
  • Limited scope: Primarily benefits e-commerce sites with frequent updates; may be less beneficial for static sites
  • Learning curve: New users may require time to understand and effectively use all features of the app
  • Dependence on Google: The effectiveness of the app relies heavily on Google's response to indexing requests
  • Potential Overuse: Risk of sending too many requests, which might lead to temporary penalties or reduced indexing frequency
  • Learning Curve: May require some initial understanding and setup for new users unfamiliar with the process
  • Cost Factor: If the app isn’t free, it could be a concern for small businesses with limited budgets

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