Lob Address Cleanser logo

Lob Address Cleanser

Develop by Lob, Inc
Free plan available

Reduce unnecessary shipping costs with Lob's Address Cleanser

Corrects misspellings
Standardizes addresses
Flags missing fields
Identifies building types
Customizable modals
1 Reviews

About Lob Address Cleanser

Launched Jan 20, 2022


Built by Lob, Inc

Email :

[email protected]


210 King St, San Francisco, CA, 94107, US

Website Privacy policy FAQ Document


Address Cleanser ensures the addresses are deliverable and shipments arrive at the right time always

Reduces inaccurate shipping costs by ensuring that misspelled addresses are corrected, and deliverable before customers leave their checkout screens. Suggests addresses per local postal formats(USPS for the United States) by standardizing the data, thus reducing mixups during delivery. Flag missing mandatory delivery fields such as unit numbers, streets suffixes, etc. Identifies P.O. Boxes and residential or commercial buildings. Customers can even modify the address modals using store themes.

Reduces inaccurate shipping costs by ensuring that misspelled addresses are corrected, and deliverable before customers leave their checkout screens. Suggests addresses per local postal formats(USPS for the United States) by standardizing the data, thus reducing mixups during delivery. Flag missing mandatory delivery fields such as unit numbers, streets suffixes, etc. Identifies P.O. Boxes and residential or commercial buildings. Customers can even modify the address modals using store themes. more
  • Notify customers for issues with their addresses before they leave checkout.
  • Get certified address data from USPS & worldwide local postal carriers.
  • Customize the address verification popups per your store theme.


  • Reduces inaccurate shipping costs by correcting misspelled addresses
  • Ensures addresses are deliverable before customers leave checkout screens
  • Standardizes addresses per local postal formats, such as USPS for the United States
  • Flags missing mandatory delivery fields like unit numbers and street suffixes
  • Identifies PO Boxes and distinguishes between residential or commercial buildings
  • Allows customers to modify address modals using store themes
  • Notifies customers of issues with their addresses before checkout is completed
  • Provides certified address data from USPS and worldwide local postal carriers
  • Customizable address verification popups according to store themes


  • May require integration work to customize address verification popups per store themes
  • Standardization based on local postal formats might not be suitable for all international shipping needs
  • Some customers may find additional steps in address verification cumbersome during checkout

Top Helpful Reviews


Jun 17, 2022  on Shopify

Great so far! Will update this review as our experience continues but so far everything has been working well with the app.

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