King Checkout Validation logo

King Checkout Validation

Develop by Gordon Kihn


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 7 Days Free Trial

    Validate checkout information to prevent unexpected checkouts

    Custom validation rules
    Vat validation
    Address check
    Field length validation
    Keyword matching

    About King Checkout Validation

    Launched Mar 15, 2024


    Built by Gordon Kihn

    Email :

    [email protected]


    广东省深圳市宝安区, Shenzhen, GD, 510000, CN

    Website Privacy policy


    Minimize returns with our app. Efficiently verify customer info, cart, and address at checkout.

    Our app ensures a seamless shopping journey by verifying checkout details - cart, address, and customer info. Key features include VAT, apartment detail validations, field length checks, and smart keyword/regular expression matching. Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, discounts, shopping cart items, etc. We are enhancing customer satisfaction and lowering return rates.

    Our app ensures a seamless shopping journey by verifying checkout details - cart, address, and customer info. Key features include VAT, apartment detail validations, field length checks, and smart keyword/regular expression matching. Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, discounts, shopping cart items, etc. We are enhancing customer satisfaction and lowering return rates. more
    • Verifies presence of house/apartment number in addresses
    • Validates completion of customer's VAT number (Tax exemption)
    • Filters out Post Office (PO) Box addresses
    • Field Length Validation, Custom Keyword and Regular Expression Validation
    • Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, etc


    • Ensures validity of checkout details including cart, address, and customer info
    • Improves customer satisfaction by preventing common checkout errors
    • Lowers return rates by validating critical aspects like VAT, apartment details, and custom keyword matching
    • Customizable validation rules based on various factors such as order amount, weight, and discounts
    • Catches common invalid address entries like missing apartment numbers and PO Box addresses


    • Potential complexity in setting up and customizing validation rules
    • May require regular updates to keep up with changing validation needs and patterns
    • Could lead to customer frustration if the validations are too stringent or not clearly communicated

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