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Apps by Gordon Kihn

  • $9.99-$25.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
45 Reviews

Link Separate Products with Size, Color, and More. Show more

Linked Option: Combined Listing is an innovative app designed to streamline and enhance your online store's product management by linking separate products effortlessly. It offers rich option styles, including buttons, color swatches, image swatches, and dropdown menus, enabling a vibrant and versatile user experience. The app's standout feature is its combined listing capability, akin to Amazon's variants, allowing you to configure multiple options like color, size, and style within a single product group with ease. Creating product groups and customizing styles are made straightforward, flexible, and user-friendly, ensuring you can tailor your offerings without hassle. Additionally, the app enables you to display variants on the collections page and supports the creation of multi-option product groups. To optimize your inventory presentation, Linked Option also allows you to hide out-of-stock and archived products, maintaining a clean and updated storefront. With its versatile and intuitive functionalities, Linked Option is a valuable tool for any online retailer aiming to enhance their product listings and improve customer experience.
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Hide out-of-stock
Link products options
Combined listing feature
Rich option styles
Show variants collection
Multi-option product groups

Combined Listings | Linked related products as variants | Color/Image Swatch, Button, Dropdown etc.

King Linked Options is a Combined Listings app available for all Shopify plans, links separate / related products as variants. Making Variant Listings SEO Friendly, each variant has its own URL, title, and description. Easily sync variant listings with Amazon, Facebook, Google Shopping Feed etc. Enhance Variants with Button, Color Swatch, Image swatch, and Dropdown, display options on product and collection pages, hiding out-of-stock items. Supports single-option and multi-option product groups.

King Linked Options is a Combined Listings app available for all Shopify plans, links separate / related products as variants. Making Variant Listings SEO Friendly, each variant has its own URL, title, and description. Easily sync variant listings with Amazon, Facebook, Google Shopping Feed etc. Enhance Variants with Button, Color Swatch, Image swatch, and Dropdown, display options on product and collection pages, hiding out-of-stock items. Supports single-option and multi-option product groups. more
  • Combine product variant listings for better user experience, SEO, and conversion
  • Flexible styling with buttons, color swatches, image swatches, and dropdowns
  • Show variants on Product Page, Collections Page, Product card (recommend)
  • Supports enhanced multi-option product groups like size, color, and material
  • Mark / Hide Out of Stock products, remove achieved products.
  • $4.99-$9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
8 Reviews

Hide, rename, and sort shipping methods based on a conditions Show more

King Checkout Rules is a dynamic Shopify app designed to revolutionize your store's checkout experience. It empowers you to customize the checkout process with a robust set of shipping and payment rule features. By allowing you to set personalized conditions based on cart totals, quantities, specific products, and customer details, you can efficiently manage which shipping and payment methods are hidden, renamed, or reordered. The app enables you to hide or display options based on specific criteria, ensuring that only the most relevant methods are shown. You can also rename these options to better align with your branding and prioritize them to enhance the customer experience. With easy-to-apply rules that adapt to your store's unique needs, King Checkout Rules helps create a seamless and tailored checkout journey for your customers.
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Hide shipping methods
Rename shipping methods
Sort shipping methods
Condition-based customization
Personalize checkout process
Optimize customer experience

Shipping / Payment Rules for Customized Checkout Experience

King Checkout Rules Optimize your Shopify app's checkout with our powerful rule feature. Create personalized conditions based on cart total, quantity, products, and customer details. Control hiding, renaming, reordering shipping/payment methods, and offering shipping discounts for a seamless checkout experience.

King Checkout Rules Optimize your Shopify app's checkout with our powerful rule feature. Create personalized conditions based on cart total, quantity, products, and customer details. Control hiding, renaming, reordering shipping/payment methods, and offering shipping discounts for a seamless checkout experience. more
  • Hide shipping/payment methods based on cart, customer, address, PO box etc.
  • Rename shipping/payment methods to match your branding.
  • Prioritize shipping/payment options to optimize customer experience.
  • Shipping discount based on cart, customer, address etc.
  • Easily apply rules based on cart total, quantity, product tags, and more.
  • $4.99-$9.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
7 Reviews

Validate checkout information to prevent unexpected checkouts

Custom validation rules
Vat validation
Address check
Field length validation
Keyword matching

Address validator | Minimize returns, Efficiently verify customer info, cart and address at checkout

Our app ensures a seamless shopping journey by verifying checkout details - cart, address, and customer info. Key features include VAT, apartment detail validations, non-Latin char detect, field length checks, and smart keyword/regular expression matching. Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, discounts, shopping cart items, etc. We are enhancing customer satisfaction and lowering return rates.

Our app ensures a seamless shopping journey by verifying checkout details - cart, address, and customer info. Key features include VAT, apartment detail validations, non-Latin char detect, field length checks, and smart keyword/regular expression matching. Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, discounts, shopping cart items, etc. We are enhancing customer satisfaction and lowering return rates. more
  • Verifies presence of house/apartment number in addresses
  • Validates completion of customer's VAT number (Tax exemption)
  • Filters out Post Office (PO) Box addresses
  • Field Length Validation, Custom Keyword and Regular Expression Validation
  • Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, etc
LinkedOption Combined Listings logo
(45 Reviews)
$9.99-$25.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Link Separate Products with Size, Color, and More.

King Checkout Rules logo
(8 Reviews)
$4.99-$9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Hide, rename, and sort shipping methods based on a conditions...

King Checkout Validation logo
(7 Reviews)
$4.99-$9.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Validate checkout information to prevent unexpected checkouts...

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