Job Stream: Job Posting logo

Job Stream: Job Posting

Develop by lessstatic


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Create job postings within your store

    Seo optimization
    Create job postings
    Job listing management
    Manage job applications
    Careers page
    1 Reviews

    About Job Stream: Job Posting

    Launched Apr 25, 2023


    Built by lessstatic


    Create a careers page and SEO-friendly job listings, and manage your hiring within your store.

    Job Stream is an app for businesses looking to streamline their hiring process. With this app, you can easily create job postings, view and manage applications, and communicate with candidates - all from within your Shopify dashboard. The job postings are optimized for SEO with structured data.

    Job Stream is an app for businesses looking to streamline their hiring process. With this app, you can easily create job postings, view and manage applications, and communicate with candidates - all from within your Shopify dashboard. The job postings are optimized for SEO with structured data. more
    • Create job postings
    • Job listing management
    • Manage job applications
    • SEO optimization for job postings
    • Careers page

    Rating And Reviews


    Aug 25, 2023  on Shopify

    Perfect app!! It integrates perfectly with our store and makes hiring new people a breeze. Plus, the SEO optimization is ideal, as it's recognized by Google and shown in the search results. What I love about it is how easy it is to use. You don't have to be a tech whiz to post job openings. You just fill in what you need, and the app takes care of the rest. Whether it's full-time jobs or part-time gigs, this app can handle it all. Highly recommended!

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