Develop by JENTIS GmbH
Free App

Server-side tracking for data and privacy compliance

Server-side tracking
Privacy compliance
First-party cookies
Tag manager
Personal attribute removal
Tool integrations


Launched Aug 28, 2023


Built by JENTIS GmbH

Email :

[email protected]


Schönbrunnerstraße 231, Wien, 1120, AT

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Capture first-party user data in full privacy compliance – without changing your tech stack.

With the end of third-party cookies, server-side tracking is the future of data capture on the web and beyond. JENTIS is a server-side tracking solution based in the European Union. Our first-party cookie enables you to capture quality data while becoming fully compliant with privacy regulations. With the innovative JENTIS Tag Manager, you can easily remove personal attributes from your customer's data and send it to your existing marketing and analytics tools – fully privacy compliant.

With the end of third-party cookies, server-side tracking is the future of data capture on the web and beyond. JENTIS is a server-side tracking solution based in the European Union. Our first-party cookie enables you to capture quality data while becoming fully compliant with privacy regulations. With the innovative JENTIS Tag Manager, you can easily remove personal attributes from your customer's data and send it to your existing marketing and analytics tools – fully privacy compliant. more
  • Tag Manager for first-party data unaffected by ad and tracking blockers.
  • One-click pseudonymization for compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR.
  • Integrations for 70+ marketing and analytics tools for tech stack continuity.

Introduction Video


  • Server-side tracking ensures data capture despite the end of third-party cookies
  • Based in the European Union, ensuring adherence to stringent EU privacy regulations
  • Enables capturing of high-quality data with first-party cookies
  • Offers a Tag Manager to remove personal attributes, enhancing privacy compliance
  • One-click pseudonymization helps with compliance to privacy regulations like GDPR
  • Integrates with over 70 marketing and analytics tools, providing tech stack continuity
  • First-party data is unaffected by ad and tracking blockers


  • Limited information on performance impact or potential latency issues
  • May require advanced technical understanding to implement and manage effectively
  • Depends on continuous updates to remain compliant with evolving privacy laws
  • Potential initial setup complexity for those unfamiliar with server-side tracking

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