ITGeeks Reviews App logo

ITGeeks Reviews App

Develop by IT-Geeks
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Turn happy customer into brand advocate with powerful review!

    Customizable settings
    Centralized dashboard
    Import/export reviews
    Detailed review insight
    Product-specific feedback

    About ITGeeks Reviews App

    Launched Jun 05, 2024



    ITGeeks Reviews App streamlines the management of customer feedback, allowing to enhance store's reputation and customer trust. It features a centralized dashboard for viewing, filtering, and sorting reviews, making it easy to keep track of customer opinions. Import and export reviews effortlessly, delve into individual review details, and manage product-specific feedback. Customize the app settings like auto-publishing, email notifications and review form customization for tailored experience.

    ITGeeks Reviews App streamlines the management of customer feedback, allowing to enhance store's reputation and customer trust. It features a centralized dashboard for viewing, filtering, and sorting reviews, making it easy to keep track of customer opinions. Import and export reviews effortlessly, delve into individual review details, and manage product-specific feedback. Customize the app settings like auto-publishing, email notifications and review form customization for tailored experience. more
    • Centralized Dashboard: Manage all customer reviews from one convenient location
    • Import/Export Reviews: Easily import and export reviews to streamline management
    • Detailed Review Insight: Access full details of each review, ratings and comment
    • Product-Specific Feedback: Manage and categorize reviews for individual products
    • Customizable Settings: Adjust auto-publish, email notifications, and review form


    • Centralized dashboard for efficient review management
    • Ease of importing and exporting reviews
    • Detailed insight into individual review details
    • Ability to manage product-specific feedback
    • Customizable settings for a tailored user experience
    • Enhances store reputation and customer trust
    • Streamlines customer feedback management


    • Potential complexity in initial setup and configuration
    • Dependence on user engagement for collecting reviews
    • Possible latency issues in auto-publishing and notifications
    • Customization features may require technical knowledge
    • May not integrate smoothly with all e-commerce platforms
    • Limited customer support options
    • May need frequent updates for features to remain competitive

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