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  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Manage your online business smarter

    Push notifications
    Real-time insights
    Unified dashboard
    Smart goals
    Sales comparison

    About instantKPIs

    Launched Sep 12, 2022


    Built by Netrist Solutions

    Email :

    [email protected]


    211 King St, Suite 101, Charleston, SC, 29401, US

    Website Privacy policy


    Manage your online store smarter. Track progress towards your sales goal and get combined sales data

    instantKPIs is a mobile sales analytics app that empowers Shopify and Amazon sellers to easily track their business on the Go. Try it's lean and intuitive dashboard: Access real-time insights on your Shopify&FBA key sales data, set SMART goals and closely monitor progress - daily, weekly, monthly - to stimulate efficiency, get alerts to never miss unexpected performance changes, compare sales to former periods and more.

    instantKPIs is a mobile sales analytics app that empowers Shopify and Amazon sellers to easily track their business on the Go. Try it's lean and intuitive dashboard: Access real-time insights on your Shopify&FBA key sales data, set SMART goals and closely monitor progress - daily, weekly, monthly - to stimulate efficiency, get alerts to never miss unexpected performance changes, compare sales to former periods and more. more
    • Get a preset easy-to-use dashboard with performance metrics you care about.
    • Become more successful by comparing sales against target.
    • Get push notifications directly on your phone to never miss a relevant metric.
    • Save time by tracking Shopify & Amazon FBA sales data in one screen.
    • Compare top selling items by revenue AND number of items sold.


    • Easy tracking of Shopify and Amazon sales on the go
    • Intuitive and lean dashboard for quick insights
    • Real-time access to key sales data
    • Ability to set SMART goals and monitor progress over different time frames (daily, weekly, monthly)
    • Alerts for unexpected performance changes
    • Comparison of current sales to former periods
    • Convenient preset dashboard with essential performance metrics
    • Push notifications to stay updated on relevant metrics
    • Time-saving by aggregating Shopify and Amazon FBA sales data in one screen
    • Capability to compare top selling items by both revenue and number of items sold


    • Limited to Shopify and Amazon platforms; does not support other e-commerce platforms
    • Potential overload of notifications if not properly managed
    • Data accuracy and real-time updates might depend on the integration quality

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