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Develop by raja apps


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Indonesian shipping rates discount and unique for each orders

Accurate shipping rates
Discount shipping rates
Rules-based discounts
Unique shipping codes

Built by raja apps

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Indokir help stores to showing Shipping Rates with common Carrier Services in Indonesia.

Indokir can help to showing accurate Shipping Rates with common Carrier Service in Indonesia like JNE, Sicepat, Anteraja, JNT, RPX, TIKI. POS, Lion Parcel in the checkout pages. There's some other features for Shipping Rates like Shipping Rates discount with or without minimum purchase and adding Unique Codes for the shipping rate will be different for each orders, if still using manual payment method this feature will help when checking mutation bank.

Indokir can help to showing accurate Shipping Rates with common Carrier Service in Indonesia like JNE, Sicepat, Anteraja, JNT, RPX, TIKI. POS, Lion Parcel in the checkout pages. There's some other features for Shipping Rates like Shipping Rates discount with or without minimum purchase and adding Unique Codes for the shipping rate will be different for each orders, if still using manual payment method this feature will help when checking mutation bank. more
  • Accurate Shipping Rates
  • Discount Shipping rates
  • Rules discount shipping rates with minimum purchase
  • Unique codes in shipping rates


  • Accurate Shipping Rates: The app provides accurate shipping rates with common carrier services in Indonesia, ensuring that users know exactly what they will pay
  • Shipping Rates Discount: Users can benefit from discounted shipping rates with or without a minimum purchase, offering flexibility and savings
  • Unique Codes: The use of unique codes for shipping rates ensures differentiation for each order, which is particularly useful when using manual payment methods to check bank mutations
  • Wide Carrier Service Coverage: The app covers multiple carrier services like JNE, Sicepat, Anteraja, JNT, RPX, TIKI, POS, and Lion Parcel, offering a wide range of options for users


  • Potential Complexity: Introducing unique codes for each order might add complexity, especially for those unfamiliar with bank mutation processes
  • Dependency on Manual Payment Methods: The unique code feature is primarily beneficial for manual payment methods, which might not be relevant for users who utilize automated payment systems

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