Hide price on specific product & collections with add to quote
Plot 349, Street 1, I-9/3, Islamabad, 46000, PK
Website Support Portal Privacy policyGet more engagements with hide price app that sell to B2B customers and want to encourage them to contact the business for a quote. With the Hid Price app, you can hide prices and add-to-cart buttons on your product and collections, so that customers can only see prices after they log in. Add a quote form to your products so that customers can easily request a quote. The Hide Price App enables you to set rules on products and collection pages to hide prices. Respond to customers in the backend
For anyone who needs to hide price & request a quote...
Bundle products together with discounts to boost your sales!...
Create product bundles & volume discounts to drive more...
Allow customer to request a quote & the price can be...
Add Best Offer + Pay What you Want Buttons to Sell More...
Pay Later or Pay Now, Wholesale Customer groups & Pricing...
Makes it easier to request quotes and hide prices.
Display or hide your store's content by creating simple...