Growify logo


Develop by Growify


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Optimize all your channels in one place

    Data-driven recommendations
    Optimize ad spend
    Accurate attribution
    Track marketing channels
    Marketing performance visibility
    Increase roi
    Efficient data organization

    About Growify

    Launched Dec 16, 2022


    Built by Growify


    Optimize all of your marketing channels in one place.

    Growify is the multichannel marketing analytics platform built specifically for Ecommerce brands. Optimize and track all of your marketing channels in one place with simple data-driven recommendations and insights.

    Growify is the multichannel marketing analytics platform built specifically for Ecommerce brands. Optimize and track all of your marketing channels in one place with simple data-driven recommendations and insights. more
    • Reduce wasted ad spend
    • Increase visibility into your marketing performance
    • Increase ROI of your marketing campaigns
    • Reduce time spent organizing & analyzing data
    • Increase accuracy of attribution & targeting

    Introduction Video


    • Optimizes and tracks multiple marketing channels in one place
    • Provides simple data-driven recommendations and insights
    • Reduces wasted ad spend
    • Increases visibility into marketing performance
    • Increases ROI of marketing campaigns
    • Reduces time spent organizing and analyzing data
    • Increases accuracy of attribution and targeting
    • Built specifically for Ecommerce brands


    • Limited to Ecommerce brands only
    • Potential learning curve for new users
    • Features may overlap with existing marketing tools
    • May require integration with other tools for full functionality
    • Potentially high cost for small businesses

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