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Order Legend Order Boost


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Get more orders, promote you products on Google with our money

Automated campaigns
Google shopping ads
Shopify catalog sync
Incremental orders
Risk-free model
37 Reviews

About Order Legend Order Boost

Launched Aug 19, 2021


Built by Order Legend Ltd

Email :

[email protected]


Office 3, St Ann's House, Guildford Road, Lightwater, ENG, GU18 5RA, GB

Website Privacy policy FAQ


The risk-free way to get more orders. We fund Google Ads with our money, you only pay on results.

Promote your products on the Google Shopping Carousel, without the headaches. We use our own money to fund Google Shopping ads to drive orders to your store. We only charge for the orders our app generates. Fast, simple, risk-free sales for your store. Our app will automatically sync your Shopify product catalog, create a Google Merchant Centre account, setup a Google Ads account and run optimized campaigns for you. Grow your Shopify store and generate more orders with a couple of clicks.

Promote your products on the Google Shopping Carousel, without the headaches. We use our own money to fund Google Shopping ads to drive orders to your store. We only charge for the orders our app generates. Fast, simple, risk-free sales for your store. Our app will automatically sync your Shopify product catalog, create a Google Merchant Centre account, setup a Google Ads account and run optimized campaigns for you. Grow your Shopify store and generate more orders with a couple of clicks. more
  • We fund the ad spend with our money. Turn Google Ads into an affiliate program.
  • Advertise & optimize your products on the Google Shopping Carousel
  • Automate your product feed, upload & sync products into Google Merchant Centre.
  • Run in parallel to existing Google Shopping Campaigns for incremental orders
  • Risk-free! If we make a loss with our model, we never pass losses onto you.

Introduction Video


  • No upfront cost as the app funds Google Shopping ads with their own money
  • Only charges for orders generated by the app, making it risk-free
  • Simplifies the process of promoting products on Google Shopping Carousel
  • Automatic syncing of Shopify product catalog with Google Merchant Centre and Google Ads account setup
  • Friendly for those who are not familiar with Google Shopping campaigns and online advertising
  • Positive feedback on generating incremental sales with minimal effort
  • Can run in parallel with existing Google Shopping campaigns for extra orders
  • Professional support team with positive interactions reported


  • Customer support can be problematic with unresolved issues
  • Some reviews allege unfair fees and mishandling of accounts, leading to significant financial losses
  • Potential risk of account issues with payment providers like PayPal or Klarna
  • Mixed reviews indicate variability in performance and satisfaction

Rating And Reviews


Aug 30, 2024  on Shopify

Easy to use and great results - Order Legend brings us sales


Aug 11, 2024  on Shopify

app not working

Punk cake

Jul 29, 2024  on Shopify

I love simplicity. I don't have the time nor the know-how to run efficient ad campaigns. So, I love Order Legend! ❤️ For a reasonable commission, Order Legend runs ads and generates sales for us. It's great! Give it a try now!

Gini London

Jul 28, 2024  on Shopify

I installed this app on 8 January 2024, and since then, the Order Legend app has made over 160 orders worth more than $11K of incremental revenue for my store. This app has boosted our revenue by 14%! The setup for this app was a breeze. After installation and entering a usage-based billing number, orders began coming in. This has been one of the fastest, most significant improvements for my store. Only paying a fixed % on orders means this app is entirely risk-free. Many thanks to Order Legend for their outstanding support and app.

Prodotti Herbalife Online

Jul 24, 2024  on Shopify

Order Legend è stato un investimento fantastico per il nostro negozio. L'aumento delle vendite e dei ricavi è stato notevole. All'inizio non ci sono state subito vendite aggiuntive ma poi l'APP ha imparato in modo automatico come scalare la prima pagina di Google e quindi ha iniziato a generare molte vendite. In pratica è come avere un super Google Ads (Google Adwords) senza pagare nulla, e settato completamente in automatico dall'APP. In pratica: non paghi nemmeno un centesimo, e hai delle vendite in più. E' sicuramente l'APP più utile che io abbia mai installato dal 2008 a oggi! Giovanni e Dina Rusconi Milano - Distributori Herbalife Italia


Jul 21, 2024  on Shopify

We've had OrderLegend for close to a year and it easily the most valuable app we use for our store. It has provided us with completely hassle-free google ads that have driven incredible results - over 2000 orders! Very easy to set up as well and their support team is incredible.

Bart 'n' Lainy's

Jul 21, 2024  on Shopify

A steady stream of sales and new customers, which is the most important thing. It would be even better if the analytics were a bit better but overall a really good app.

Spice Pots

Jul 21, 2024  on Shopify

Since integrating this app on 26 July 2023, the app has provided over 180 orders worth more than $5.5K of incremental revenue for my store. This app has boosted our revenue by 5%! Grateful to the Order Legend team for this fantastic partnership.

Hammer Nutrition UK Official Distributor

Jul 21, 2024  on Shopify

We installed Order Legend on 12 August 2023, since then the app has brought in over 110 orders worth more than $7K of incremental revenue for my store. This app has boosted our revenue by 10%! The investment Order Legend has made in our business and incremental google shopping campaigns works great. A huge thanks to the Order Legend team for a great app.

Indi Menswear

Jul 20, 2024  on Shopify

It's a no-risk way of improving turnover.

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