Geek SEO logo

Geek SEO

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    All in one SEO tool to help pages to rank better in Google.

    Performance optimization
    Schema integration
    Shipping details
    Broken link diagnosis
    Redirection management
    Reviews integration
    Search schema configuration
    Return policy configuration

    About Geek SEO

    Launched Nov 15, 2023




    Free SEO All-in-one Tool, including product reviews and merchant schemas.

    Free SEO All-in-one Tool. Schema, performance optimization, broken link diagnosis, redirection and other functions continue to be developed. Structured data: It has supported 3 e-commerce models, integrated 12 review applications, and 2 advanced customization models.

    Free SEO All-in-one Tool. Schema, performance optimization, broken link diagnosis, redirection and other functions continue to be developed. Structured data: It has supported 3 e-commerce models, integrated 12 review applications, and 2 advanced customization models. more
    • Product & Reviews structured data function integrates 14 review applications.
    • Product Merchant Schema supports configuring Shipping Details and Return Policy.
    • Support configuring Search Schema

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