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Friendzy ‑ Shop with Friends

Develop by friendzy.shop


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Free plan available

Share, Chat, Explore, Compare and Shop together with friends

Interactive experience
Shop together
Private streaming
Switch styles

About Friendzy ‑ Shop with Friends

Built by friendzy.shop


Str. Fagului, Nr. 16, Cluj-Napoca, CJ, 400483, RO

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Introduction Video


NEW Interactive shopping - Share, Chat, and Shop together Live with your friends and family

Friendzy offers a unique interactive shopping experience that lets your customers share a private invite link with their friends, then stream Live their shopping in your store, chat and shop alongside friends and family. You may also configure various Rewards, including Discount Codes, to be delivered on the fly to customers when they take action or to chat rooms when certain events occur.

Friendzy offers a unique interactive shopping experience that lets your customers share a private invite link with their friends, then stream Live their shopping in your store, chat and shop alongside friends and family. You may also configure various Rewards, including Discount Codes, to be delivered on the fly to customers when they take action or to chat rooms when certain events occur. more
  • Launch an interactive shopping experience and invite friends to join you, live.
  • Switch shopping style between "tag along", "together" and "independently"
  • Reward customers for bringing you more business with our Gamification feature


  • Allows users to shop with friends and family regardless of location
  • Different shopping styles: 'tag along', 'together', 'independently'
  • Real-time interactive shopping experience with friends
  • Private live streaming of shopping experiences
  • Enhances social connection through shared shopping experiences
  • Ability to share, chat, explore, compare, and laugh together while shopping


  • Potential for technical issues with real-time streaming
  • Privacy concerns with live streaming shopping experiences
  • Requires friends and family to also have and use the app for full functionality
  • Possible increase in impulsive purchases due to social influence
  • May be overwhelming for users not familiar with multiple shopping styles

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