phoner phone button logo

phoner phone button

Develop by appstronauts
Free App

add phone button to your shop: more calls more sales

Floating call button
Customizable button
No coding needed
Works with themes
Multiple templates
Direct mobile dialing
Desktop number display
Track pageviews and clicks

About phoner phone button

Launched Aug 08, 2024


Built by appstronauts


Add a floating call button to your store so visitors can quickly contact you. On mobile, it lets people dial directly. On desktop, it displays your number. More calls often lead to more sales. The app installs easily without coding and works with all themes. Enter your phone number, choose a color, and you're set. The button will blend seamlessly with your shop's look.

Add a floating call button to your store so visitors can quickly contact you. On mobile, it lets people dial directly. On desktop, it displays your number. More calls often lead to more sales. The app installs easily without coding and works with all themes. Enter your phone number, choose a color, and you're set. The button will blend seamlessly with your shop's look. more
  • Add a floating 'call us' phone button to your shop.
  • Instant installation on any theme with no coding.
  • Customize and style the button to fit your shop.
  • Choose for 4 different template style
  • Track pageview and clicks


  • Easy installation without coding
  • Works with all themes
  • Allows for customization to fit the shop's appearance
  • Direct dialing on mobile, displaying the number on desktop
  • Potential increase in calls leading to more sales
  • Offers 4 different template styles
  • Tracks page views and clicks


  • Limited to phone-based communication; no integration with other communication methods
  • Customization options may be limited to basic styling (eg, color changes)
  • Potentially intrusive for users who prefer written communication or self-service options

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