Combined listings app: link related products with swatches.
AddressCarrer de Buenos Aires 11, Barcelona, B, 08029, ES
Website Privacy policy FAQPlatmart Color Swatches is a combined listings app that lets you link related products with swatches. It can be used to showcase different product colors, styles, shapes, etc. Products can be grouped either manually or automatically. The app stores swatch data in Metafields and caches all images on Shopify CDN. This allows loading swatches instantly without slowing down the store. App is fully translatable and works with Markets. It's compatible with all types of themes and works with headless.
Show product options with images, color swatches & dropdowns....
Link your products of different colors using swatches.
Schedule sales, edit price, cost, margin, market price lists...
Add stylish color/image Swatches to your product options.
Show relevant variant images, set multiple images per variant....
Endless variant options to fully customize your products.
Link Separate Products with Size, Color, and More.
Offers custom fields on product pages for personalization