
Based on reviews

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Apps


Shopify integration
Automated tracking
24/7 support
Extended warranty
Wide product coverage

Cross sell extended & accidental warranty plans w/100% profit!

Cost-effective solution
Automatic warranty offers
Instant claims settlements
International coverage
Profit on warranties

Grow your store with an extended warranty program

Seamless integration
Dynamic pricing
Customizable ctas
24/7 claims chatbot
Top insurer backing
Digital warranty management

Plug and play extended warranties to unlock additional revenue

Seamless integration
Additional revenue
Extended warranties
Customer experience

Sell your own warranties. Profit goes directly to you!

Checkout integration
Analytics dashboard
Claim management
Warranty upsell
Self-insured claims
  • Free Plan Available
35 Reviews

Everything you need to make revenue on the sale of warranties.

Metrics dashboard
Extended warranty upsells
Claims management platform
  • Free Plan Available
2 Reviews

Upsell extended warranty & accidental plans & earn profit

Install plug-in
Activate account
Customize theme
Sell protection plans
View warranty listing
Automated mapping