Elfsight Booking Reviews logo

Elfsight Booking Reviews

Develop by Elfsight


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Show reviews from Booking.com to prove your reputation

    Increase sales
    Redirect visitors
    Show reviews
    Attract reviews

    About Elfsight Booking Reviews

    Launched Aug 23, 2019


    Built by Elfsight

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Paronyan, 19/3, 204, Yerevan, 0015, AM

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Reveal positive reviews on your place from Booking.com on your site

    Booking Reviews app provides you with the option to Increase sales-boosting your superb rating and clients’ recognition on the web page. Your customers will be able to Attract more reviews with a call-to-action button and redirect to your Booking account.

    Booking Reviews app provides you with the option to Increase sales-boosting your superb rating and clients’ recognition on the web page. Your customers will be able to Attract more reviews with a call-to-action button and redirect to your Booking account. more
    • From Booking.com - to your website, with ease
    • Show all signs of your high social proof
    • Get more new reviews from website visitors


    • Increase sales-boosting your superb rating and clients’ recognition on the web page
    • Attract more reviews with a call-to-action button
    • Redirect to your Booking account
    • Show all signs of your high social proof
    • Get more new reviews from website visitors


    • Limited to Bookingcom reviews only
    • Potential dependency on the Bookingcom platform
    • May not integrate well with other booking or review platforms
    • Possible additional cost for premium features
    • User experience may vary depending on website design and functionality

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