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easyRates: Japan Post

Develop by Lunaris


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7 Days Free Trial

Offer real-time Japan Post rates for international shipments!

Real-time rates
Handling fees
Free shipping rules
Recommended methods
Block restricted methods
Packaging weight rules
11 Reviews

About easyRates: Japan Post

Launched Oct 18, 2017


Built by Lunaris

Email :

[email protected]


Kichijouji Honcho 2-14-27, T's BRIGHTIA Kichijouji Ⅱ 2F, Musashino, JP-13, 180-0004, JP

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Automatically calculate and offer real-time Japan Post rates for international shipments!

Just install, confirm your shipping zones, and voilà: available Japan Post shipping methods and rates will be shown to your customers! You can take things further by offering free shipping based on cart total, adding handling fees, and more. You can also simplify things by only displaying recommended methods (and blocking any restricted methods from showing up during checkout). International orders are even easier when paired with easyLabel! *Domestic shipping within Japan is not supported

Just install, confirm your shipping zones, and voilà: available Japan Post shipping methods and rates will be shown to your customers! You can take things further by offering free shipping based on cart total, adding handling fees, and more. You can also simplify things by only displaying recommended methods (and blocking any restricted methods from showing up during checkout). International orders are even easier when paired with easyLabel! *Domestic shipping within Japan is not supported more
  • Display available international shipping methods and rates from Japan Post
  • Create country-specific rules and restrictions
  • Block restricted methods or display warnings (e.g. COVID-19 suspensions)
  • Add packaging weight rules for more accurate quotes
  • Offer free shipping methods based on a customer’s cart total


  • Real-time Japan Post rates for international shipments
  • Easy to install and set up by confirming shipping zones
  • Allows customization such as offering free shipping based on cart total
  • Option to add handling fees
  • Can block restricted methods and simplify choices for customers
  • Supports creation of country-specific rules and restrictions
  • Capability to display warnings for restricted methods (eg, COVID-19 suspensions)
  • Option to add packaging weight rules for more accurate quotes
  • Integration with easyLabel for easier international order management


  • Does not support domestic shipping within Japan
  • Requires additional setup for blocking shipping methods

Top Helpful Reviews


Jan 19, 2025  on Shopify

設定について多々わからない事があったのですが、 毎回とても丁寧にサポートいただき感謝しております。 引き続き利用させていただきますので、よろしくお願いいたします。

JiJi shop "Y"

Sep 09, 2024  on Shopify

Instagram経由で海外のお客様へのアパレル製品の販売を準備する際に、配送料の設定が難しいだろうなと思っていましたが、このアプリは製品の重量をベースに自動で計算してくれるので、とても助かりました。 -1 は、日本郵便からの連絡がまだないことですので、アプリの評価としては星5です。


Jun 09, 2024  on Shopify

メインをDHLでの配送にして、サブでEMSを利用したかったのですが、配送プロファイルの設定が大変で難航していました。 ですが、このアプリを使ってまさに求めていた機能を非常に簡単な操作で実現できました。 サポートの対応も早くとても助かりました。


May 27, 2024  on Shopify

米国からの注文については、カリフォルニア州とテキサス州からの注文は支払いを受け付けるが、コネチカット州やその他の州からの注文は受け付けない。日本郵便に問い合わせたところ、アメリカ全地域からの注文を受け付けているとの回答だったが、アプリの地域テーブル設定に誤りがあるようだ。これにより被害が発生しています。早急な対応をお願いいたします。 ------------- その後の対応 原因究明のため、丁寧な対応をいただきました。 しかし、問題は解決しませんでした。様々な方法を試した結果、日本で送料無料を設定し、海外のみ有料の場合、shopfiyとの連携に問題があり、アプリ側で海外送料無料を設定するプルダウンメニューのBUGが正常に動作しない原因であることがわかりました。この状況を報告したところ、すべての問題が解決され、アプリは快適に動作するようになった。アプリ開発者側のカスタマーサービスはしっかりしていて信頼できます。評価を5に変更します。 For orders from the U.S., the company accepts payment for orders from California and Texas, but not from Connecticut or other states. When we contacted Japan Post, they responded that they accept orders from all regions of the U.S. However, it appears that there is an error in the app's region table settings. This has caused damage. Please take immediate action. ------------- Subsequent response We received a courteous response to determine the cause of the problem. However, the problem was not resolved. After trying various methods, we found that there was a problem with the integration with shopfiy when free shipping is set in Japan and only overseas is charged, causing the BUG in the pull-down menu for setting free overseas shipping on the app side to not work properly. After reporting this situation, all issues were resolved and the app now works comfortably. Customer service on the part of the app developer is solid and reliable. I am changing my rating to 5.


Feb 17, 2023  on Shopify

We wanted to implement shipping for our Japanese products website where we ship Japanese products worldwide. Easy rates Japan post made our life super easy for this task. After installing the app we were able to set it up in few minutes because the settings are straight forward, and very complete even if kept simple : we could change the rating labels shown to clients which permitted us to add information about the shipping time, and we could add package weight with easy to setup rules. Azino was very helpful answering our question prior to the installation when we were studying the different apps available. Very happy with the app so far.

Fuji Fukuro

Feb 19, 2022  on Shopify

Very useful app which saves hours and hours of work. Automatically updates shipping rates from Japan post when there are price increases. Automatically allows countries to place orders when shipping service from Japan Post becomes available for that country. You can set an option to block a country that you don't want to provide service to. You can also set different package weights for smaller or larger orders. Everything works perfectly. Very easy to install.

Japanese Green Tea Shops

Feb 15, 2022  on Shopify

App works as described to easily add shipping rates from Japan using actual shipping rates from JP Post. Useful option of excluding certain countries if you do not want to provide some or all of the services to those selected countries. Updated as shipping service service becomes available to countries which have restrictions in place due to the coronavirus situation. Pros: * Saves hours inputting shipping rates manually. * Automatically updates for countries which have restrictions due to coronavirus situation. *Can "block" one or all of the shipping options to countries you do not want to provide service to. Can set different weights for different sized boxes. Cons: *Have to monitor JP Post website to see when countries lift restrictions (due to coronavirus) and shipping resumes, as they are automatically added to your available shipping options without any notice from "Easy Rates". NOTE: Asked developer if "Easy Rates Japan Post" users could be notified (by newsletter or email) when countries (with restrictions due to coronavirus could resume shipping) were "automatically" added to the list of countries where customers could place orders. (over a year has passed, no progress) *While you can add a shipping rate such as "free shipping", you can NOT control which countries will be offered the rate. (You can probably do this by creating custom shipping rates in shopify settings, but would be a very useful option to be able to do it right in the App). * Customer service: A bit slow to respond, doesn't work on weekends. (When you have a store and need help, it isn't easy just to close your store for the weekend until customer service responds. Support should be as much a priority as creating useful app which store owners depend on). My review of four stars is mostly due to lack of App customization and slow customer service.

Nippon e Magia

Apr 10, 2021  on Shopify

The app is out of date, JP Post rates have increased in value and the app has not. Please update rates with JP Post.

The Microbrand Store

Feb 24, 2019  on Shopify

We've been using this app for 6 months, and only ever hit one issue with it, and the support on that was superb. Next day response with a working solution. Couldn't ask for more than that.

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