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Easy Pixel


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14 Days Free Trial

Easily add pixels to track conversions from various platforms

One-click installation
Page views tracking
Order conversions tracking
Multi-pixel support
Server-side api

About Easy Pixel

Built by Yupana Engineering Ltd

Email :

[email protected]


27 old gloucester st, London, ENG, WC1N 3AX, GB

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Easy Pixel allows you to easily install page views on your store and Order Conversions tracking pixels from Shopify's checkout with no additional code, in just one-click. Easy Pixel currently support the following platforms: * Facebook (multi-pixel) * Facebook Conversions API (Server-side against ad-blockers and browser restrictions) * Google Tag Manager (GTM-XXX) * Google Analytics Tracking (UA-XXX) * Google Ads conversion (AW-XXX) * Google Ads "Purchase" Conversion Label * Twitter...

Easy Pixel allows you to easily install page views on your store and Order Conversions tracking pixels from Shopify's checkout with no additional code, in just one-click. Easy Pixel currently support the following platforms: * Facebook (multi-pixel) * Facebook Conversions API (Server-side against ad-blockers and browser restrictions) * Google Tag Manager (GTM-XXX) * Google Analytics Tracking (UA-XXX) * Google Ads conversion (AW-XXX) * Google Ads "Purchase" Conversion Label * Twitter... more


  • Easy installation: Allows for one-click installation of tracking pixels without additional code
  • Platform support: Supports multiple major platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter
  • Comprehensive tracking: Supports Facebook Conversions API to overcome ad-blockers and browser restrictions
  • Integration with Shopify: Seamlessly integrates with Shopify's checkout for order conversion tracking


  • Limited platform details: Specific support for some platforms is not fully detailed
  • Redundant information: Repeated description in the app's listing may indicate lack of clarity or updates
  • Potential complexity: Users unfamiliar with tracking pixels might find the initial setup complex despite the one-click feature

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