Easy Pixel logo

Easy Pixel


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Easily add pixels to track conversions from various platforms

    One-click installation
    Page views tracking
    Order conversions tracking
    Multi-pixel support
    Server-side api

    About Easy Pixel

    Launched Jul 13, 2021


    Built by Yupana Engineering Ltd


    Easy Pixel allows you to easily install page views on your store and Order Conversions tracking pixels from Shopify's checkout with no additional code, in just one-click. Easy Pixel currently support the following platforms: * Facebook (multi-pixel) * Facebook Conversions API (Server-side against ad-blockers and browser restrictions) * Google Tag Manager (GTM-XXX) * Google Analytics Tracking (UA-XXX) * Google Ads conversion (AW-XXX) * Google Ads "Purchase" Conversion Label * Twitter...

    Easy Pixel allows you to easily install page views on your store and Order Conversions tracking pixels from Shopify's checkout with no additional code, in just one-click. Easy Pixel currently support the following platforms: * Facebook (multi-pixel) * Facebook Conversions API (Server-side against ad-blockers and browser restrictions) * Google Tag Manager (GTM-XXX) * Google Analytics Tracking (UA-XXX) * Google Ads conversion (AW-XXX) * Google Ads "Purchase" Conversion Label * Twitter... more

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