Timeline :Delivery Date & More logo

Timeline :Delivery Date & More

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Display estimated delivery date on the product page

    Estimated delivery date
    Display shipping country
    Shipping timer message
    Personalized delivery options
    Reduce bounce rate
    Day-wise delivery navigation
    Customizable delivery dates

    About Timeline :Delivery Date & More

    Launched Jan 01, 2024


    Built by Brain Station 23 PLC

    Email :

    [email protected]


    8th Floor, 2 Bir Uttam AK Khandakar Road, Dhaka 1212, Dhaka, 1212, BD

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy


    Answer, 'When will it arrive?' and elevate trust with customizable delivery options and clear dates.

    Our app builds trust with consumers, increases sales conversion rates, and reduces customer inquiries for displaying delivery data. Empower your customers to make informed purchasing decisions with clear and accurate delivery information. Display your estimated date and shipping country and a shipping timer message on the product page.

    Our app builds trust with consumers, increases sales conversion rates, and reduces customer inquiries for displaying delivery data. Empower your customers to make informed purchasing decisions with clear and accurate delivery information. Display your estimated date and shipping country and a shipping timer message on the product page. more
    • Choose personalized delivery dates and shipping country on the product page
    • Reduce bounce rate with delivery estimation on the product page.
    • Navigate through day-wise deliveries effortlessly
    • Today, tomorrow, and the upcoming week's selections are curated just for you.

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