One-click integration for all your logistics needs
Launched Apr 02, 2023
Deliver to India’s remotest corners with 18,500+ pin codes serviced via our 2900+ centers. Automate your entire shipping workflow across both domestic and international orders with one-click Shopify integration. With optimised solutions for faster and more reliable deliveries, you get assured COD remittance in 2 days. Integrate seamlessly across sales channels, reduce returns, and get COD remittance within 2 days. Get WhatsApp updates and a dedicated relationship manager for your service
E-commerce shipping solution in India
Carrier Aggregation, Own carrier shipping, Track & Notify.....
Fully Outsourced eCommerce Fulfillment Solution
Fulfill your Orders with our High-Tech, High-Touch Solution...
Shipping rules to set rates by product zipcode postcode...
Control how shipping is calculated and displayed at checkout....
Makes it easier to request quotes and hide prices.
Countdown timer bar, stock countdown, estimated delivery...