DataJet logo


Develop by Code57


/ Month
Free plan available 14 Days Free Trial

Task automation and store data import/export

Data import/export
Custom integrations
Custom notifications
Task automation
Data exchange
Scheduled tasks
Inventory syncs
11 Reviews

About DataJet

Launched Oct 19, 2020


Built by Code57

Email :

[email protected]


Ksiecia Witolda St, Wroclaw, 50202, PL

Website Privacy policy FAQ


DataJet helps to automate any task in your store. Custom integrations, data exchange and more.

Unlimited possibilities. DataJet thanks to custom scripting language lets you automate any process in your store. - Send and receive data to 3rd party systems - Execute scheduled tasks on your store - Custom shipping rates - Custom order fulfillment - Data import (products, customers, orders) - Inventory syncs - Custom email notifications and much more.

Unlimited possibilities. DataJet thanks to custom scripting language lets you automate any process in your store. - Send and receive data to 3rd party systems - Execute scheduled tasks on your store - Custom shipping rates - Custom order fulfillment - Data import (products, customers, orders) - Inventory syncs - Custom email notifications and much more. more
  • Sending and receiving data from FTPs
  • Integrations with ERPs
  • Auto-tagging, automatic fulfillments, custom shipping rates and more

Rating And Reviews

Julian Jay

Aug 05, 2024  on Shopify

We were looking for a solution for linking our fulfilment platform with our new website through an ftp link and DataJet was one of the few options that would work! Mat has been incredibly helpful with helping us set up the link and assisting with customisations where needed. I highly recommend.


Jun 03, 2024  on Shopify

Amazing customer service. Assisted me with a custom scenario quickly.

Notch parkrun

Mar 08, 2024  on Shopify

We had a very specific set of tasks that need to be created and several databases that need to be accessed. The team at DataJet were quick, responsive and very knowledgable. They had everything up and running in a no time at all. Communication with the team was always very quick. Would highly recommend.

Hush & Hush

Sep 01, 2023  on Shopify

DataJet is a great app to use. Mat helped with everything regarding setup, AMAZING customer service! We are now fully automated with our 3PL FTP. Receiving order fulfillment, tracking and all information is seamless! We definitely recommend this app! Thanks again Mat for all your help!


Mar 09, 2023  on Shopify

The DataJet app has been a big time-saver for our team for automating some pretty complex workflows and notifications. And Mat has been a complete rock star in regards to helping us figure out the best way to use the app. I couldn't be more happy with his support. All around a great app for us.

World Communion Cups

Nov 01, 2021  on Shopify

A great app and Mat was able to come up with a solution for us in 24 hours, it was greatly appreciated!


Jun 04, 2021  on Shopify

Great App and a outstanding support from Mateusz. He just helped us out with everthing we needed. With this app and the support we reached a fully automated workflow for order fullfillment with tracking-information and everything is working fine. Thank you, we can definitely recommend this app!

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