Veonr Countdown Pro logo

Veonr Countdown Pro

Develop by Veonr


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Customizable designs to create urgency while keeping elegance

    Increase urgency
    Customizable designs
    Boost sales
    Increase aov
    Clean banner
    Zero performance hit
    Parallel technology

    About Veonr Countdown Pro

    Launched Feb 16, 2023


    Built by Veonr


    Display a fully customizable countdown timer banner on your shop. Increase urgency. Boost sales.

    Give your customers an amazing experience with our incredibly fast and beautiful countdown timer. Feel free to customize every aspect of how it looks and where it's placed. Instantly increase your conversion rates and prevent drop-offs by captivating your customers with appealing offers and discounts. Increase your AOV by displaying a clean banner on top of your shop at all times - to encourage customers to buy more stuff faster. BTW, you can chat with us at all times. Anytime.

    Give your customers an amazing experience with our incredibly fast and beautiful countdown timer. Feel free to customize every aspect of how it looks and where it's placed. Instantly increase your conversion rates and prevent drop-offs by captivating your customers with appealing offers and discounts. Increase your AOV by displaying a clean banner on top of your shop at all times - to encourage customers to buy more stuff faster. BTW, you can chat with us at all times. Anytime. more
    • Incredibly fast. Zero hit to your shop performance. Parallel technology.
    • Increase your AOV by encouraging customers to buy more & faster.
    • Add that urgency dimension to your shop. Keeps your customers' eyes locked.
    • Experience a powerful & insanely fast helpdesk and support.
    • There's always room for more customizations. Send us a ping. Let's chat.

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