Copyright on copy logo

Copyright on copy

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Add copyright phrase to any text copied from your shop

    Customize copied text
    Source reminder
    Insert custom messages
    Mobile and desktop
    Direct buffer addition

    About Copyright on copy

    Launched Sep 25, 2023


    Built by studios


    Add any text to the copied text from your store. Protect your store content.

    This app does the simple time-tested thing of interacting with the user. People often copy small pieces of text or full product descriptions to send them to their messenger or social network. With this app we add a small reminder to the copied text so that the user doesn't forget where they copied it from. Also, the added text can contain the address of your store, which can help with SEO, if users will share this text in social networks or when searching on search engines.

    This app does the simple time-tested thing of interacting with the user. People often copy small pieces of text or full product descriptions to send them to their messenger or social network. With this app we add a small reminder to the copied text so that the user doesn't forget where they copied it from. Also, the added text can contain the address of your store, which can help with SEO, if users will share this text in social networks or when searching on search engines. more
    • Customize your copied text: Add your own words to spice up your shop's message.
    • Assist your users in recalling the source of their copied text.
    • Easily insert custom messages into copied text from your shop.
    • Works on mobile devices and on the desktop
    • Adds text directly to the buffer. Works both from the context menu and by ctrl+c


    • Helps users remember the source of the copied text
    • Can enhance SEO if users share the copied text on social networks
    • Customizable messages allow shops to personalize the appended text
    • Works on both mobile devices and desktops
    • Directly adds text to the clipboard without additional steps
    • Compatible with both context menu and ctrl+c


    • May annoy users who do not want extra text added to their copied content
    • Could cause formatting issues in the destinations where the text is pasted
    • Might be seen as intrusive by some users

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