Showing 1 to 20 of 24 Apps
  • $14.9-$99.9 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial
  • Verified
1,227 Reviews

Group Products as Variants, Swatches on Collection Page & more

Seo-friendly urls
Color swatch slider
Variant image swatch
Confirm size selection
Bulk upload swatches
Combine product variations
  • $9.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
6 Reviews

Set & Show Product & Collection wise Banner Slider

Product banner slideshow
Collection banner slideshow
Offers highlight
Redirect navigation link
  • $20 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
34 Reviews

Create Beautiful Shopable Instagram Galleries For Every Page

Beautiful ig galleries
Product-specific galleries
Interactive gallery links
Collection-specific galleries
Easy install customization
  • $2.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
54 Reviews

Add Button to External links - Amazon,Walmart,Ebay | Affiliate

Unlimited products
Boost sales
Customizable button style
Add affiliate links
Hide cart button
Show on multiple pages
  • $9-$19 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
53 Reviews

Variant images, color swatches, variants options, image swatch

Color swatches
Theme support
Variant images
Image swatch
Custom border
Hover tooltip
  • $1.99-$5.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
92 Reviews

Quick View Image on Hover, Preview Product Image Carousel

Add slideshow
Product carousel
Image slider
Slide arrows
Variant images preview
Hover reveal second image
  • $14.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Display the available sizes on home/listing page instantly

Increase conversions
User-friendly interface
Display sizes
Variant swatches
Display colors
  • $9.99 / Month
  • 30 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Boost Sales and UX with AI-driven Recommendations.

Customizable settings
Detailed analytics
Personalized recommendations
Easy integration
Ai-powered algorithms
Various scenes supported
  • $6.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
139 Reviews

Color swatch | Image swatch for collection and product pages.

Color variants display
Pattern image swatches
Customizable variant selector
Hide out-of-stock options
  • $9.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
24 Reviews

Link Separate Products with Size, Color, and More.

Hide out-of-stock
Link products options
Combined listing feature
Rich option styles
Show variants collection
Multi-option product groups
  • $9.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
51 Reviews

Display variant names in a swatch on the collection & homepage

Display sizes
Customize swatches
Show stock availability
Preview design swatch
Urgency tooltips
  • $250 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Collection Page Management & Analytics for Fashion Brands

One-click setup
Sort products
Add content
Track data
Personalized onboarding
  • $10 / Month
  • 15 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

offer better user experience by displaying info in Quick View

Theme compatibility
Social sharing
Quick view
One-click checkout
Faster browsing
Adaptable view
  • $3 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 5 Days Free Trial
15 Reviews

Magepow Infinite Scroll helps users scroll products unlimited

Unlimited scrolling
Custom scroll effect
Faster loading speed
  • $19-$79 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
20 Reviews

Show VAT Included or Excluded Price of B2B & Verify EU VAT ID

Cart page integration
Show dual prices
Validate eu vat
Translate vat text
Custom tax display
  • $4.99 / Month
  • 10 Days Free Trial
99 Reviews

Variator:Show variants on collection pages as separate product

Customizable button
Direct add-to-cart
Infinite variants
Searchable variants
  • $5.99-$19.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
17 Reviews

Give automatic volume discounts based on quantity or subtotal

Tiered pricing
Automatic discounts
Bulk savings
Draft orders optional
Discount promotion widgets
Cart discount summary
  • $4.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
25 Reviews

Quickly add to cart products from home page or collection page

Enhanced navigation
Direct checkout
Conversion increase
Quick add cart
Impulse purchases
  • $4.9 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
10 Reviews

Show Variant Options as Color Swatch or Variant Image Swatch

Brand customization
Color swatch
Image swatch
Automated variant images
Dropdown options
Variant buttons
  • $3.99 / Month
  • 30 Days Free Trial
5 Reviews

Display recently viewed products on your pages

Fast loading
Recently viewed products
Mobile friendly
One-click install
Display on multiple pages