CI Restrict Zip Code logo

CI Restrict Zip Code

Develop by CynoInfotech


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Check product delivery availability by validating customer zip codes.

About CI Restrict Zip Code

Launched Mar 05, 2025


Built by CynoInfotech

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Visitors can check shipping service availability in the zip/postal code area.

To enhance the functionality of the eCommerce store, customer’s zip code validation plays a very important role. The advantage of the zip code validation is that the customer can check if product delivery is available or not at their location. Zip code validation helps the store owner to restrict shipping of the product before customers complete the purchase process. There are many reasons that the store owner wants to restrict products based on the zip code, like some legal rules and reasons.

To enhance the functionality of the eCommerce store, customer’s zip code validation plays a very important role. The advantage of the zip code validation is that the customer can check if product delivery is available or not at their location. Zip code validation helps the store owner to restrict shipping of the product before customers complete the purchase process. There are many reasons that the store owner wants to restrict products based on the zip code, like some legal rules and reasons. more
  • Enter the zip code at the product page to check delivery availability or not
  • Displays the estimated delivery if the customer’s zip code is valid
  • Set the error messages if the customer’s zip code is restricted or available

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