Showing 1 to 11 of 6 Apps

Administra tus BOXES de M3storage sin salir de tu tienda Show more

M3storage es una innovadora aplicación que te proporciona la capacidad de gestionar eficientemente el almacenamiento de tu tienda en línea. Disponible para integrarse con tus cuentas de M3storage en Chile, Brasil y Colombia, esta app proporciona una solución integral para administrar tus BOXES arrendados directamente desde el panel de administración de tu tienda. A través de M3storage, puedes facilitar el acceso a tus BOXES enviando llaves digitales a empleados, proveedores o clientes de manera segura. La aplicación también permite almacenar notas sobre información relevante, mejorando así la organización y el seguimiento de tus operaciones. Con M3storage, disfruta de la tranquilidad de tener el control total sobre tus necesidades de almacenamiento en línea, directamente a tu alcance. Su interfaz amigable y funcional garantiza una experiencia eficiente y sin complicaciones.
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Account management
Send access keys
View rented list
Take notes
  • Free Plan Available
34 Reviews

Fretes à partir de R$ 8,14 Show more

Melhor Envio é uma solução inovadora que conecta lojistas brasileiros a fretes competitivos, facilitando a integração com as principais plataformas de e-commerce do país. Com o objetivo de descomplicar o processo de envios, o aplicativo oferece serviços sem nenhuma cobrança de taxas ou mensalidades. Além disso, os usuários podem desfrutar de descontos exclusivos e participar de um programa de vantagens, garantindo ainda mais benefícios no gerenciamento de suas entregas. A plataforma proporciona uma interface amigável que simplifica a logística, permitindo que os empresários se concentrem em crescer seus negócios. Melhor Envio é a escolha ideal para quem busca eficiência e economia no comércio eletrônico.
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Integrated platforms
Competitive rates
Exclusive discounts
Discounted shipping
Advantage program

Same-day delivery service for SMEs in Brazil Show more

Borzo Delivery - Brazil is a versatile app designed for seamless fleet management with just a click. Whether you need to book a Borzo rider at any time of the day, this app provides the flexibility and ease of access to do so. Customer support is readily available through the app or web chat, ensuring that assistance is always at hand. With features like one-time pick-up services, users can enjoy reduced delivery fees, making their logistics more cost-effective. The app allows for easy installation and booking with just a few clicks, saving time and effort. It supports multi-drop order placements, catering to more complex delivery needs. Additionally, Borzo Delivery offers various transport options, including cars and motorbikes, providing users with the right vehicle for their specific delivery requirements.
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Fleet management
One-time pick-up
Delivery fee reduction
Easy courier booking
Multi-drop orders
Various transport options
  • $3.99-$6.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Sell more with shipping promotions customized per regions

Free shipping
Competitive rates
Customized shipping rules
Regional promotions
Carrier agreements

Dropify é o primeiro sistema de Dropshipping Nacional Show more

Dropify é um aplicativo inovador que permite aos lojistas integrar completamente o sistema de frete de suas lojas Shopify com a plataforma Dropify de maneira dinâmica. Com esta ferramenta, os lojistas podem ampliar seu catálogo de produtos ao ter acesso imediato a todos os estoques disponíveis na Dropify e disponibilizá-los em seus sites. Além disso, o Dropify oferece integração de fretes dinâmicos, possibilitando promoções de frete com prazos definidos e valores específicos. A funcionalidade também inclui a configuração de tabelas de contingência, garantindo que as vendas não parem mesmo diante de imprevistos logísticos. Esta solução é ideal para quem deseja expandir suas opções de envio e melhorar a experiência de compra dos clientes. Assim, o Dropify não só simplifica a gestão de fretes para lojistas, como também potencializa suas vendas e alcance de mercado.
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Stock sync
Dynamic freight
Shipping integration
Promotional shipping
Contingency tables
Shopify admin

Dropshipping Nacional com envio no mesmo dia e sem riscos taxa Show more

Dogama Dropshipping Nacional é a solução ideal para empreendedores que utilizam a plataforma Shopify e desejam vender sem a necessidade de manter estoque próprio. Este aplicativo destaca-se por oferecer um verdadeiro sistema de dropshipping nacional, onde todos os produtos são enviados do Brasil para o Brasil, eliminando preocupações com importações, taxas alfandegárias duplicadas e bloqueios na alfândega. Com envio no mesmo dia, os lojistas podem oferecer rapidez e eficiência aos seus clientes, além de garantir a qualidade consistente dos produtos, evitando as inconstâncias comuns em importações da China. Dogama oferece uma seleção diversificada de produtos de nichos variados, adaptando-se às demandas do mercado brasileiro. Além disso, integra-se facilmente com diversos marketplaces como Mercado Livre, Shopee e Amazon, e conta com um sistema ERP completo e inteligente para controle total dos pedidos e estoque, tornando todo o processo de venda intuitivo e automatizado.
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Marketplace integration
Automated dropshipping
Same-day shipping
No import risks
Ai-powered erp

Same-day delivery service for SMEs in Brazil Show more

Borzo Delivery - Brazil is a versatile app designed for seamless fleet management with just a click. Whether you need to book a Borzo rider at any time of the day, this app provides the flexibility and ease of access to do so. Customer support is readily available through the app or web chat, ensuring that assistance is always at hand. With features like one-time pick-up services, users can enjoy reduced delivery fees, making their logistics more cost-effective. The app allows for easy installation and booking with just a few clicks, saving time and effort. It supports multi-drop order placements, catering to more complex delivery needs. Additionally, Borzo Delivery offers various transport options, including cars and motorbikes, providing users with the right vehicle for their specific delivery requirements.
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Fleet management
One-time pick-up
Delivery fee reduction
Easy courier booking
Multi-drop orders
Various transport options
  • $19-$129 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 15 Days Free Trial
50 Reviews

Greats shipping price Correios, Jadlog, Loggi and any carriers Show more

Frenet is a powerful app designed to tackle the issue of abandoned carts due to high shipping costs, offering users access to competitive shipping rates with Correios, Jadlog, Loggi, and other Brazilian carriers. It allows you to seamlessly integrate and activate these carriers in your store, providing the flexibility to handle any shipping scenario. Optimize your store's logistics by registering the individual dimensions of each product for accurate shipping calculations, ensuring customers receive the best possible rates. Frenet also offers the ability to create promotional rules based on prices and delivery times, enabling tailored shipping offers that attract and retain customers. Enhance your store’s checkout experience by setting up specific delivery restrictions and rules, offering unparalleled shipping options to fit diverse customer needs. With Frenet, you gain a comprehensive gateway to manage and integrate your shipping processes, transforming your store's logistics into a streamlined, customer-friendly service.
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Carrier integration
Promotional rules
Accurate quotes
Individual dimensions
Reverse logistics
Delivery restrictions

Boost sales with an integrated omnichannel operation Show more

Iglu PDV is a versatile app that enhances the Shopify POS system specifically for businesses operating within Brazil, transforming retail operations into seamless omnichannel experiences. This app empowers merchants to conduct sales in physical stores using a robust Point of Sale (PDV) system while integrating with card machines for streamlined payment processing. Eliminating cumbersome manual processes, Iglu PDV automatically reconciles all orders, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, it facilitates the generation and automatic dispatch of accurate invoices to customers, promoting fiscal transparency and compliance. The app also simplifies the management of exchanges and returns, effortlessly handling invoice orchestration even for online orders. Offering a variety of integrated payment methods, including credit, debit, cash, and PIX, Iglu PDV supports diverse customer preferences and enhances the overall shopping experience.
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Auto-generate invoices
Integrated pdv payments
Auto-reconcile orders
Simplified returns/exchanges
Integrated payment methods
  • $3.99-$6.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Sell more with shipping promotions customized per regions

Free shipping
Competitive rates
Customized shipping rules
Regional promotions
Carrier agreements
  • $1.95-$3.92 / Month
28 Reviews

Real-time Correios shipping integration with exclusive benefits across Brazil. Show more

Meu Frete com Correios is an advanced app designed to seamlessly integrate your online store with Correios, Brazil's leading postal service. By offering real-time shipping cost calculations at checkout, it enhances the shopping experience for your customers, providing transparency and fostering trust. The app supports SEDEX and PAC services, ensuring comprehensive delivery coverage across all of Brazil. With the ability to use your own contract with Correios, you can access exclusive benefits like more competitive freight rates, which can help boost sales conversion. Additionally, the app allows you to display shipping cost estimations directly on product pages, empowering customers with valuable information before they complete their purchase. Meu Frete com Correios is an essential tool for any Brazilian e-commerce business looking to streamline logistics and cost efficiency.
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Real-time shipping
Product page estimation
Contract integration
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