Showing 1 to 14 of 14 Apps
  • $0.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
3 Reviews

WhatsApp Chat Button, Message with Product Informations

Whatsapp chat button
Automated product messages
Customizable button colors
Dynamic product info
Button position control
  • $125-$250 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
32 Reviews

Post-checkout automations for a great shopping experience

Shipping automation
Returns management
Exchanges management
Automated emails
Automated sms
Branded tracking
  • Free Plan Available
11 Reviews

Alerts & Abandoned Cart via SMS, Whatsapp, Voice, Email

Abandoned checkout alerts
Signup greetings
Abandoned cart alerts
Order related alerts
Order cancellation alerts
Refund alerts
  • $80-$285 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 30 Days Free Trial
3 Reviews

Increase your brand presence & retain your customers

Push notifications
Marketing automation
Vip tiers
Customer segmentation
Cash back programs
Digital wallets

Boost & recover sales with TapOnIt's SMS/MMS Platform

Abandoned cart recovery
Analytics & reporting
Multi-image mms
Purchase milestone sms
Sign-up & sharing tools

Recover abandoned carts, send broadcasts & manage support

Order notifications
Shipment tracking
Cart recovery
View analytics
Shared team inbox
Broadcast messages

Reach your customers with the daily used messaging app

Abandoned cart recovery
Analytics dashboard
Automated order confirmation
Marketing campaigns
Logistic updates
Shared api account

Automated Marketing Tools, ChatBots

Abandoned cart recovery
Whatsapp notifications
Daily customer follow-up

Our app lets you recover abandoned carts through whatsapp.

Automated cart recovery
Personalized messages
Real-time notifications

Automated WhatsApp messaging with ease

Automated notifications
Dynamic message templates
Order invoice generation
  • $2.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Supercharge your store with WhatsApp Widget for support.

Customizable button design
Seamless whatsapp support
Multiple agent management
Automated whatsapp messages
Desktop and mobile support

Cross channel marketing platform to drive revenue and loyalty

Advanced segmentation
Personalized messaging
Drag-and-drop design
Real-time data
Cross-channel marketing
Purchase trend recommendations
  • $19.9 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Smart Messages directly on your customer's WhatsApp.

Whatsapp integration
Personalized messaging
Abandoned cart alerts
Unlimited messages
Smart messages
Event notifications
  • $10-$30 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
85 Reviews

Powerful popups & personalized emails.

Customer segmentation
Revenue tracking
Shopify synchronization
Product import
Landing pages
Abandoned cart emails