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  • Built for Shopify
  • 40 Days Free Trial

    Build customer trust with authentic voice recorded reviews.

    Customizable review widget
    Voice recorded reviews
    Pre-publish review checks
    Customer login required
    Selective page integration

    About AudioReviews

    Launched Nov 23, 2022


    Built by Public Apps ⭐

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Evert van de Beekstraat 399, Schiphol, 1118CP, NL

    Website Privacy policy


    Collect trustworthy reviews and increase sales with authentic voice recorded reviews.

    Today product reviews are no longer automatically trusted by customers. Authorities require you to prove your reviews are real. AudioReviews helps your business stand out from all those stores with fake 5 star reviews by allowing you to show real, authentic, voice recorded reviews from your customers.

    Today product reviews are no longer automatically trusted by customers. Authorities require you to prove your reviews are real. AudioReviews helps your business stand out from all those stores with fake 5 star reviews by allowing you to show real, authentic, voice recorded reviews from your customers. more
    • Have your customers record their review right on the product pages.
    • Check reviews before they're published on your store.
    • Require customers to login before leaving a review.
    • Style the reviews widget to your liking.
    • Select the store pages to include the reviews widget on.


    • Builds customer trust with authentic voice recorded reviews
    • Distinguishes business from stores with fake 5-star reviews
    • Allows customers to record reviews directly on product pages
    • Provides ability to review and authenticate reviews before publishing
    • Requires customers to login before leaving a review, adding an extra layer of security
    • Customizable review widget to match the store's style
    • Selectable store pages for placing the review widget


    • Relies on the willingness of customers to leave voice reviews, which might be less common
    • Additional verification step could be seen as a barrier for some customers
    • Customization options may require technical knowledge or additional resources
    • Voice reviews might require more storage and bandwidth

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