Anti Spy ‑ PIX logo

Anti Spy ‑ PIX

Develop by ImpactPixel
Free plan available

PIX - Anti Spy app that helps protect your store's data

Block spy extensions
Disable copy functions
Legal warning console
3 Reviews

About Anti Spy ‑ PIX

Launched Jan 15, 2023


Built by ImpactPixel

Zotabox: Promote & Convert 20+ logo
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PIX - Anti Spy app that helps protect your store's data and content from spy extensions and more

PIX provides advanced protection for your data and content by blocking all forms of spy extensions and disabling copy functions. Our app safeguards your store from spying third-party extensions such as AliHunter, PPSpy, and UUSpy, ensuring that your sensitive data - including information about users, products, live sales, applications, suppliers, and more - remains private.

PIX provides advanced protection for your data and content by blocking all forms of spy extensions and disabling copy functions. Our app safeguards your store from spying third-party extensions such as AliHunter, PPSpy, and UUSpy, ensuring that your sensitive data - including information about users, products, live sales, applications, suppliers, and more - remains private. more
  • Block third-party extensions
  • Disable right-click and keyboard shortcuts
  • Display a legal warning when the console is opened


  • Provides advanced protection against spy extensions
  • Blocks third-party spying tools like AliHunter, PPSpy, and UUSpy
  • Disables copy functions to protect sensitive information
  • Ensures privacy of data such as users, products, live sales, applications, and suppliers
  • Includes features like blocking right-click and keyboard shortcuts
  • Displays a legal warning when the console is opened, which can deter malicious activities


  • Disabling right-click and keyboard shortcuts might hinder legitimate user actions
  • Could potentially cause compatibility issues with other necessary extensions or functionalities
  • May add overhead to website performance due to added security layers
  • Legal warnings might not be effective against more advanced or persistent spying attempts

Top Helpful Reviews

Custom Gear

Jun 21, 2023  on Shopify

Very efficient in protecting what needs to be protected! Options at the very beginning make things EXTREMELY easy, thank you!


May 22, 2023  on Shopify

I just tested and this app is amazing. It worked straight away! It's super simple to set up. No more spies, no more chrome extensions! Ciao competitors!

Slate Scout

Apr 12, 2023  on Shopify

10/10 app! And it's FREE! It does exactly what you need in terms of blocking any third party spying apps and protecting content. If you're using the Debutify theme you may need to talk to the team, I worked with Ayoub who fixed the issue for me quite swiftly. Great service.

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