Unlock growth with AI marketing content + AI optimizations
1620 Notre-Dame Ouest, 3e étage, Montréal, QC, H3J 1M1, CA
Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial DocumentGlowtify is a profit-driven AI marketing tool for Shopify merchants, offering an all-in-one platform that identifies and prioritizes revenue opportunities while improving operational efficiency. With no prompts required, Glowtify makes it easy to create content, plan 360° marketing campaigns, optimize SEO, and more, all while learning from your brand. Our prioritized recommendations and scoring dashboard will guide your profit-driven marketing strategy. Let's glow!
Drive traffic and sales with email, SMS, and automation
Easy premade and custom reports: filter, schedule, and more....
Analytics to grow sales faster by understanding marketing
Easily Track Visitor Behavior & Conversion by Integrating...