Unlock growth with AI marketing content + AI optimizations
1620 Notre-Dame Ouest, 3e étage, Montréal, QC, H3J 1M1, CA
Website Support Portal Privacy policy DocumentEasy popups, banners, upsell tool, header bar to boost sales...
Shopify merchants often struggle to navigate the complexities of e-commerce marketing. Glowtify is here to illuminate your path. With AI-powered marketing tools and optimization recommendations, Glowtify helps you scale your e-commerce business effortlessly. Our AI marketing copilot reflects your brand's unique voice, generating outstanding marketing content to share with the world. Let’s glow together and elevate your Shopify store with AI marketing.
Your Products Referred to Hundreds of Future Customers
Get SEO traffic through Googles Rich Results and Rich Snippets...
One click install for visual cart and checkout analytics
Easily track FB, Google & TikTok ads and analyze LTV...