Affiliate Product Feed logo

Affiliate Product Feed


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 10 Days Free Trial

    Automatically export your products via FTP

    Daily product export
    Product search feature
    Credential settings
    Automatic rule creation
    Out-of-stock exclusions

    About Affiliate Product Feed

    Launched Sep 06, 2021


    Built by Alliant Development Inc.


    Affiliate Product Feed Keep your partners up-to-date with a daily export of your products via FTP.

    Affiliate Product Feed from Alliant Development allows you to provide up-to-date information about your products to your affiliates and business partners. Use our convenient product search feature to quickly find and select as many products and variants as you wish. Then head on over to the settings-page to enter in your FTP credentials: the FTP hostname, username, and password. Then enter the name of the file that you want to be uploaded.

    Affiliate Product Feed from Alliant Development allows you to provide up-to-date information about your products to your affiliates and business partners. Use our convenient product search feature to quickly find and select as many products and variants as you wish. Then head on over to the settings-page to enter in your FTP credentials: the FTP hostname, username, and password. Then enter the name of the file that you want to be uploaded. more
    • Upload product information daily or hourly to an FTP server.
    • Create rules to automatically select products for export.
    • Automatically exclude products that are out of stock.

    Introduction Video

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