Offer fixed or percentage discount based on the user's country
Premises # 001 - 35527, DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, DU, 341041, AE
Website Privacy policyRun targeted marketing campaigns across different countries with the Discount by Country app. Create multiple discounts for users from different countries and offer wholesale prices to encourage users to buy more items. You can choose the discount value and apply a percentage or a fixed discount as you like. International orders can be very expensive due to taxes and shipping costs, but with country-based discounts, you can encourage international users to make purchases in your store.
Increase BFCM sales with progressive shipping goal messages...
Upsell Product Bundles, Volume Discounts & Quantity...
Loyalty, rewards and referrals to boost sales
Boost AOV with cross sell, gift with purchase & cart...