Showing 40 to 60 of 57 Apps
  • $9.85 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 7 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Boost sales and conversion rates with automated A/B testing.

Auto-generate descriptions
Fully automated testing
Optimize product range
Three automation levels
Universal store compatibility
  • $19.95-$49.95 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
247 Reviews

Easily schedule & automate discounts in bulk!

Cart discounts
Wholesale pricing
A/b testing
Free shipping
Discount stacking
Checkout discounts
  • $99-$499 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
28 Reviews

Advanced price testing, A/B testing, AB test, shipping test

Real-time analytics
Live traffic splitting
Advanced price testing
In-depth test metrics
Split test
  • $695-$995 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
51 Reviews

Skyrocket your checkout conversion & deliver on-time for less

Multiple carriers
Checkout conversion
Precise arrival times
Lowest shipping costs
Multiple 3pls
Delivery optimization
  • $100-$887 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
3 Reviews

Personalize your Customer Journey in Real Time Using AI.

Push notifications
Customer segmentation
Sms marketing
Automated workflows
Data collection
Real-time personalization

Turn First-Time Visitors into Customers with AI-Powered Deals!

Boost conversions
Personalize offers
Enhance loyalty
Integrate seamlessly
Leverage ai power

Personalized no-code landing pages that drive more sales

Personalized experiences
A/b testing
Klaviyo integration
No-code landing pages
High-converting templates
Paid marketing optimization
  • $9.99-$23.99 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
70 Reviews

Recover abandoned carts, back in stock alert with Web Push

Customizable campaigns
Detailed analytics
Multilingual support
Automated notifications
  • $99-$499 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
80 Reviews

Ultra-customizable landing pages for serious ecommerce teams

Customizable templates
A/b testing
Native shopify integration
Built-in sections
Rapid page creation
On-brand experiences

Find your best pricing scenarios for your product!

Price a/b testing
Bulk product testing
Traffic split analysis
Analytic dashboard
Individual product testing
Product variants testing
  • $49-$999 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Dynamic price test with A/B split testing and repricing

A/b split testing
No coding needed
Dynamic price test
Landing page tests
Product page tests

A/B Testing, Feature Experimentation and Personalization

Ai-powered personalization
Data integration
Instant data feed
Impactful a/b tests
Campaign analysis
Intuitive graphic editor

Implement a Post-Purchase Survey to Boost Ecommerce Sales.

Customisable survey questions
Survey revenue analysis
Works with all themes
Pop-up types: quizzes, surveys
Managing pop-ups: a/b testing
  • $29 / Month
  • 1 Days Free Trial
25 Reviews

Get your Product Description Written in Under 10 Seconds by AI

Performance monitoring
Seo optimization
Rich text editor
Instant description generation
Save descriptions
  • $49-$99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
28 Reviews

Find your most profitable free shipping thresholds & rates

Real-time results
Dashboard analytics
Customizable components
Free shipping thresholds
Test shipping rates
Csv exports
  • $1500-$150 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
10 Reviews

Get more sales each time you send a marketing email in Klaviyo

Top cross-sells
Valuable segments
Best conversion times
On-demand ideas
Target vips
Perfect cross-sell

No-code optimization platform with wide widgets library

Advanced analytics
Content personalization
Web experimentation
No-code editor
Widgets library

No-code smart fashion stores with dynamic merchandising

Personalized recommendations
No-code design
Smart a/b testing
Visitor behavior tracking
Dynamic merchandising
Real-time adaptation
  • $9.99-$29.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

A/B test: Prices, Titles, Homepage Banners, Announcement bars

Real-time analytics
A/b test prices
Compare titles
Optimize banners
Track announcement bars
Automatic test end
  • $15-$150 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial

Simple A/B testing and multivariate testing

Real-time analytics
A/b testing
Multivariate testing
User segmentation
Customizable experiments