3.5Average Rating
Boost sales with frequently bought together & volume discounts Show more
Intuitive well featured bundles along with cart drawer makes this app unique. With bundle builder / quantity breaks & discounts create store wide bundles to increase average order value & revenue by offering product with Quantity bundle / Volume discount / Quantity discount bundles with volume pricing aka buy more save more, price bundling, discount breaks, BOGO bundles with free gifts & bulk discount. Product bundle, upsell & free gifts with bundles, related product, shipping protection & more.
One Click Upsell | Thank you page | Free Gifts | Promotions Show more
Display an offer before/on thank you page after customer confirm the order. Customer can accept / decline the offered product with one click. Make more money from same traffic by using non-intrusive checkout upsell, cross sell offers. It ultimately increases Average Order Value (AOV). Number of eligibility rules, with that you can create offers as promotions after checkout, like BOGO, Free gifts. 20+ eligibility rules / Product, collection, quantity, and cart value triggers.
Boost sales with frequently bought together & volume...
One Click Upsell | Thank you page | Free Gifts | Promotions...