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拒付争议处理服务(客诉、友好欺诈、账户解封、资金解冻) Show more
当商户收到平台或收单行的争议调查单时,响应速度、处理经验和证据质量将决定申诉成功的结果。但是往往因为不专业和缺乏经验的团队以及浪费大量的时间导致占用大量的资源并且可能导致不必要的资金损失。 “申诉易”通过简单的集成将商户的线上商城和收款帐户进行授权连接。并且根据历史争议表现、交易类型、争议的原因自动收集并组合订单相关的关键要素,形成专业的证据链,并且我们拥有专业的团队对每一条争议回复进行双重检查。我们的应用会自动收集并组合订单相关的关键要素,形成专业的证据链;确保以有利于商户的方式去解决争议。
Proactively manage chargebacks with AI-driven alerts and risk controls. Show more
When a consumer raises a dispute, the system sends a chargeback alert notification to the merchant before the chargeback determination is made by the card issuer. This helps the merchant to proactively address the chargeback dispute and potentially initiate a refund, significantly reducing the merchant's chargeback rate. - AI-driven, automated fraud protection to prevent chargebacks and refunds - Customized risk control rules to better adapt to merchant business development - High ROI, only pay
Proactively manage chargebacks with AI-driven alerts and...