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93 fernside road, Poole, ENG, bh152jq, GB
Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQSEO boost, Page Speed, Image Optimizer, JSON, sitemap & GSC! Show more
TinyIMG is a one-stop-shop for all page speed & SEO optimization: image ALT text, JSON-LD (rich snippet), 404 page, 301 redirect, SEO image compressor, generate AI description, photo resize, crush, lazy load, sitemap, minify js & minify css. Use image and SEO optimizer to optimise page speed & search engine rankings to ensure your store’s success. Use our automation and SEO manager reports to boost store speed and SEO results faster. This SEO & site speed optimizer will transform your store!
Fully customizable, GDPR+ compliant cookie consent banner. Show more
TinyCookie is a one-click solution for European and other country GDPR/CCPA (& more) cookies bar compliance. Set up TinyCookie and display a professional-looking banner with a cookies consent form. The cookie banner appears for every new visitor and remains visible until they give their informed consent. Use banner customisation options to integrate it into your branding strategy. Translate cookie bar to different languages and pick locations where you want It to show!
SEO boost, Page Speed, Image Optimizer, JSON, sitemap &...
Fully customizable, GDPR+ compliant cookie consent banner....