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Take rentals, bookings, events, services & appointments Show more
Essential for every bookings, rentals, events, services, & appointments business. One click and you can now take hotel bookings, rent equipment & clothings, sell courses & a lot more. You dont have to set each availability date. It's fully dynamic. You can track all your current bookings directly from the app or on your favorite calendar! Speed and ergonomy is important, that's why IzyRent use a fast and lightweight calendar for best performance & user-experience.
Sell your products by unit, weight, etc. Huge time saving.
Essential for greengrocers, grocery stores, butchers, parquet floors & much more. No need to generate all the variations, our app does it for you. You can now sell products with decimal quantity! It is mandatory when you sell fruits, vegetables, meats, drinks, or even cut-to-size fabrics. Everything is automated. You can link and unlink products with just one click. HUGE TIME-SAVING! Let's say you want to link some products with these parameters: * Unit: g * Price: 30 *
Take rentals, bookings, events, services & appointments...
Sell your products by unit, weight, etc. Huge time saving....