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Drop-in a quick, easy order status lookup form Show more
Skip routine customer inquiries from shop customers returning to your storefront looking for their latest order status. Customers will always have questions, but they much prefer getting answers on their own, quickly and easily. Install the Status Sherpa app to add a super-easy lookup form on your storefront site. In less than 30 seconds, the app is up and running.
View, create, edit, export & import your custom metafields Show more
Shopify metafields provide a highly flexible way to add custom data and develop special features in many areas of your store. The Metafields2 application is a tool that allows you to view, add, edit, import and export (via CSV files) custom metafields into many different store resources. Using our app, metafields can be added to your shop itself, products, product variants, product collections, customers, orders, blogs, articles & pages!
Drop-in a quick, easy order status lookup form
View, create, edit, export & import your custom metafields...