Generate revenue with retail media and sponsored product ads
Launched Jun 11, 2024
The Linc, TU Dublin Blanchardstown, Blanchardstown, D, D15VPT3, IE
Website Privacy policy FAQZenbundle empowers Shopify merchants to increase sales and customer engagement with shoppable videos, interactive ads, and personalized campaigns. Use our Offsite Audience Extension to retarget high-intent visitors on Instagram and Facebook, boosting conversions with tailored ads. Easily embed engaging content across your store and post-purchase. Unlock new revenue streams by monetizing your traffic with retail media tools like sponsored products and videos. No coding required!
Boost BFCM sales with TikTok-like shoppable videos &...
"Boost sales with shoppable videos and AI-personalized user...
Track your website events using server-side/Capi tracking
Improve conversions with Instagram reels, TikTok videos...