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Yellos Wishlist

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Drive sales with easy-to-setup, highly customizable Wishlist.

    Multi-language support
    Easy wishlist creation
    Theme customization options
    Multiple wishlist management
    Sharable across social media

    About Yellos Wishlist

    Launched Apr 22, 2024


    Built by Evolution Infosystem Inc.


    Empowering merchants to effortlessly create and manage wishlists for their customers.

    Yellos Wishlist revolutionizes the shopping experience for Shopify merchants by simplifying the process of creating and managing wishlists. Our app is ideal for merchants across various industries, especially those catering to customers who seek personalized shopping experiences. For retailers offering a wide range of products, Yellos Wishlist solves the challenge of helping customers organize their preferences effectively. By enabling customers to curate wishlists effortlessly.

    Yellos Wishlist revolutionizes the shopping experience for Shopify merchants by simplifying the process of creating and managing wishlists. Our app is ideal for merchants across various industries, especially those catering to customers who seek personalized shopping experiences. For retailers offering a wide range of products, Yellos Wishlist solves the challenge of helping customers organize their preferences effectively. By enabling customers to curate wishlists effortlessly. more
    • Simplify wishlist creation with just few clicks.
    • Customize color, icon and add animations to match with your store theme.
    • Create and manage multiple wishlist.
    • Sharable wishlist across popular social media.
    • Multi-language support for Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, Indonesian & Spanish


    • Simplifies the process of creating and managing wishlists for Shopify merchants
    • Ideal for merchants across various industries, catering to personalized shopping experiences
    • Helps customers organize their preferences effectively, especially for retailers offering a wide range of products
    • Allows customers to curate wishlists effortlessly
    • Easy to set up with just a few clicks
    • Highly customizable with options to change color, icons, and add animations
    • Supports the creation and management of multiple wishlists
    • Wishlists can be shared across popular social media platforms
    • Multi-language support including Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, Indonesian, and Spanish


    • Potential complexity or learning curve for merchants unfamiliar with wishlist features
    • Customizability might require additional design efforts to match the store theme optimally
    • Dependence on Shopify platform, limiting the use for non-Shopify merchants
    • No mention of integration with other e-commerce platforms outside Shopify

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